How They Met (Version 1)

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Originally written in like a script format cuz I was lazy.

Succubus is sitting alone in a bar. The bar isn't overly crowded, it's actually quite scarce, but even still she gets hit on by some creep. She activates her quirk while smiling at him, a cross between seductive and sinister.

"Walk away"

He walks away from her and she sighs, dropping her quirk, finishing off her drink and standing up. She leaves the bar.

It's night time, there's dim street lamps, but she's not worried. A shadow steps out from behind a street lamp and pauses to watch her, then begins to follow. She's been mumbling to herself, something about murder and her fault. The shadow behind her makes a noise and she pauses. She turns around with a grin.

"If you want cash I don't have any. If you want sex you might end up dead, I suggest you just move along"

(Manid) "What if I want neither?"

Succubus, raising an eyebrow, "You saying you just want to kill me? Maybe strip me down, take my organs and leave me in a dumpster somewhere? Doesn't sound half bad I'll be honest"

"You value your life so little?"

"I don't have much to live for. Now do I need to keep guessing what you want, or are you just going to tell me?"


"About what?"

"Your quirk."

"What for?"

"Curiosity's sake."

Succubus pauses for a second in distrust.

"You know what, sure, it's called seduction, to put it simply it's like mind control or brainwashing."

"Sounds useful."

"It can be, but why do you care?"

And then I never finished it 😌 Cuz it sucked lmao

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