Manic Being A Teasing Lil' Fuck

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I sauntered into my room humming a random tune as I got ready for bed, tossing aside my bra and pulling on a large t-shirt. I briefly considered putting on shorts before ultimately deciding I had no need for them. Fluffing my hair, I turned towards my bed only to be greeted by the sight of my partner smirking at me in the dim light.

"Hey Bussy, nice view~"

"Hello Manic, need something?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow and a slight pout. God I hated that nickname.

"You?" Manic's smirk widened while I rolled my eyes.

"Watch yourself babe. I have plenty of self control but you're in my room now and I've been feeling a little lonely." I crawl onto my bed and in between Manic's legs, resting myself on his chest. I crossed my arms under me and looked at him expectantly with a hooded gaze. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, securing me against him.

"Oh really? I'm sure I can fill that empty space in your heart for a bit." He teased.

I scoffed in return. "You're willing to cheat on your lady friend with lil ol' me? How sweet."

"She and I aren't together anymore, doll."

"Since when?"

"Since tonight." My eyes widened a little at his response.

"Oh babe...are you okay?"

Manic sighed a bit, "I'm fine, I kinda saw it coming."

"You can still be upset about it though."

"I know, but I'm not."

"Okay...well don't use that as an excuse to rebound with me alright?" I gave Manic a motherly glare. As much as I wanted to jump him right then and there I wanted the man to actually want me, not use me to get over someone else.

"Aw, I don't even get a pity kiss?" Manic's smirk returned and he leaned closer to my face. I laughed and lightly pushed him away.

"Grieve a little and maybe I'll consider it."

"Can't wait, doll."

I shook my head and let myself lay completely on top of him. I snuggled into his neck a bit and let out a sigh of content. Manic pulled me tighter against him and leaned back into the pillows.

"Goodnight, Bussy."

"God I fucking hate you."

Manic let out a deep laugh.

"Love you too babe."

June 17th, 2021

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