Manic Needs His Girl More Than He Thought

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I shut the apartment door behind me with a heavy sigh. It had been a long day and without Succubus to help me out the day had stretched even longer. We were supposed to be partners, if that's even the appropriate word, but I had forced her to stay home and recover from the last altercation we had gotten into. She was of no use to me if she was injured or dead. I tossed my keys on the kitchen counter and shrugged off my jacket, a bit of weight lifting off my shoulders. Though it still felt like something was pushing on my chest and I couldn't figure out why. While today was tedious and annoying, idly pickpocketing strangers and avoiding police, it was nothing I wasn't used to. So why did I feel so exhausted and burdened? The TV in the living room was on but the volume was muted. The pictures flashed colorfully across the walls, illuminating the dark room. I peered over the couch to see Succubus curled up as tight as possible in a low hanging sweater and her undergarments. Seemed she hadn't moved since I left. Her breathing was slow and her eyes were shut indicating she had fallen asleep. I reached over her to grab the remote and shut off the TV before heading off to my room, intent on sleeping away this draining feeling. Sleep came quickly as expected but it didn't stay for very long. I woke up soon after in a panic, my chest tight and my body shaking. The nightmare I had been having was already leaving my mind and I scoffed at my childish behavior. I tried to go back to sleep but it soon became apparent that the attempt was feeble and I'd just have to find something else to do. I tugged off my shirt to relieve myself of the cold sweat it had soaked up and headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I noticed Succubus was still on the couch though I couldn't fathom how she found that comfortable. I suppose she didn't have much of a choice though considering she didn't have a room of her own. I stood watching her with my water for no particular reason, I guess my mind just needed something to focus on. Her hair was messy and half covering her face and her hands were clasped over her heart. I came a little closer and saw her legs were covered in goosebumps. I lightly brushed over them feeling how icy cold her skin had become. A quiet, frustrated groan escaped me. She never took care of herself properly. Briefly I considered wrestling some pants onto her but that seemed more trouble than it was worth. She'd probably wake up and punch me if anything. We didn't have any spare blankets I could give her either, it's not like being a villainous thief paid all that well. Finally I just decided to carry her to my room. I had offered to share a bed when we first started living together. The apartment only had one bedroom and I wanted her to be somewhat comfortable, as annoying as she could be, but she refused and insisted on taking the couch. She kept her items in a hall closet and tried to stay out of my way at home. A little odd considering how overbearing she was in public, practically attached at my hip. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt her shift in my arms a bit, making a soft noise of what I assume was discontent. I shuffled quickly to my room in the hopes of not waking her up and dealing with an awkward conversation. I'd rather do that in the morning when I wasn't so sleep deprived. I set her down where I had originally been so I didn't have to maneuver the blankets with her in my arms. She immediately took to the warmth, snuggling into my pillow and letting out a quiet sigh. I felt the corner of my mouth turn up subconsciously before I shook my head and suppressed a smile. I slipped under the covers on the other side of the bed and stared up at the ceiling. My eyes closed as I slipped back to sleep having spent some more of my energy. Yet again this didn't last long and I found myself back up in a panic. I remembered the nightmare this time having to do with Succubus and I frantically looked over to find her still there sleeping peacefully, now laying on her back. My breathing calmed and I placed my head in my hands trying to ground myself. She wasn't dead, nothing bad happened and she's still here. That lingering burdened feeling in my chest came up again when I looked at her and I realized that I had been feeling so exhausted because she wasn't there today. It was like having a personal support system that kept me afloat during the day. Her energy was like a drug and I was having withdrawal. Without her I felt...alone...and scared. I couldn't understand how this had happened. I was fine without her before but now...? I laid back down on my side, facing her. Gingerly I lifted my hand and placed it on her stomach, feeling the rise and fall as she breathed. She's here, she's safe, she's alive. I tugged her towards me and buried my face in her shoulder. Her head lolled on top of mine, effectively trapping me against her. Her body had warmed up but was still cool against mine. I squeezed her a bit as if she'd disappear if I were to ever let go. I never realized she'd have this effect on me, but I guess she's more important than I thought. The rest of my night was dreamless, her presence chasing away any fears within me. I didn't want to think about the discussion we'd have when we woke up but for now, I was happy. 

Their personalities and stories are never consistent cuz I just use them to project on to heyooooo.

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