How They Met (Version 3)

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I idly drummed my fingers against the bar countertop. The beat of the music guiding me in a relaxed rhythm. The bar was surprisingly quiet for a Friday night despite being one of the more popular hotspots for lonely singles. I myself was a lonely single, not that I'd admit it, or ever let on to the drunken men surrounding my seat. To any sober onlookers I was quite happy by myself. Alas, all good things must come to an end.

"Hey there sweetheart. What's a pretty lil' thing like you doing all alone?"

A man with too much cologne slide into the seat next to me. I sneered at the smell of toxic masculinity and alcohol and turned away from him. He placed a rather large hand on my shoulder, pulling me back towards him.

"Don't be like that baby, let me buy you a drink."

I removed his grasp on me, cringing at the thought of where those hands had been, before standing up to take my leave.

"Where ya going babe? Come on I wanna get to know you."

The man moved in front of me, trying to block my path. My patience was wearing thin and as much as I didn't want to, it became clear I'd need some assistance. I let out a sigh, feeling my quirk activate. The tail I kept hidden grew from under my dress and slithered over to the idiot that tried to mess with me. Quickly and silently it pierced the back of his leg and a pink hue settled over his eyes. I retracted my tail and uttered a simple command, 


Without another word, he walked out of the bar and down the street. I waited a few seconds before exiting myself and walking the other direction. It was a quiet walk home with no other disturbances and I gratefully collapsed on my sofa after walking into my apartment. Closing my eyes, I relished in the peace and quiet before a soft pitter patter of steps caught my attention. I quirked my brow at the noise that seemed to be coming from outside my door. Slowly I got up and looked out into the hall. A low whine came from beneath me and I looked down to see...a dog? We could have dogs in this complex?

"Hello there," I said, crouching down, "who might you be?"

The little dog plopped down as well and just stared at me with big eyes. I giggled at it's cute behavior.

"Hmm, I don't see a collar on you. Are you a stray that somehow got in?"

The dog provided no answer.

"Well I can't leave you now that you're here so come on it."

I jokingly gestured inside, surprised when it actually followed command.

"Obedient little thing." I muttered.

I checked the hallway once more for an owner, but didn't see anyone and close the door.

"So what shall I call you until we figure out where you belong huh?"


"Re- wait." I turned around.

A man with dark eyes and an even darker aura waved at me from my couch.

"If you could do me a favor and not scream that'd be great."

He crossed one leg over the other and draped his arms lazily over the back of the couch. I'm sure a normal person would have ignored his request and alerted the whole neighborhood but let's just say I'm used to some weird shit.

"You here to kill me or something?"

"No, but given your reputation of fucking up people's plans I'm sure you've got a hefty bounty on your head."

I snorted, "Alright so what is it? Sex? Money? The restroom?"

He looked at me unamused while I snickered at my own joke. I saw the gears turning in his head as he rethought his original plan. He let out a short sigh and I assumed he decided to continue on with it. 

"Look, neither or us are on the "correct" side of the law and as much as I ate to admit it I' in a tight spot."

"So money?"

He eyebrow twitched and I smiled at him.

"Housing. For both of us."

I peered over at Reo who was sat in the middle of the room idly watching the drama unfold. 

"And why should I agree? I don't know you or whatever criminal bullshit you've mixed yourself up in. I can't trust you."

"I can compensate."

"I can make money fine on my own hun."

"I didn't want to do this but..." he went over and picked up Reo, thrusting him in my face, "please. You can't say no to this face."

A laugh escaped me before I could stop it.

"I just need a few weeks. I can pay for rent and my groceries, do whatever errands you need, I don't care."

"Why me?"

"You have a feel about you. I'm going with my gut."

"And if your gut is wrong?"

"Just don't touch the dog."

I crossed my arms. This was a dumb thing to agree to. A normal, sane person would never, but we already established I wasn't normal didn't we? My eyes flashed pink with excitement, casting a glow on my guest's face. I extended a hand to him with a wide grin.

"You've peaked my interest roomie, welcome home."

He firmly grasped my hand, "We have a deal then Succubus?"

"Just tell me your name and it's set in stone."


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