Feral Friends - Part 1

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"Y'know I still can't believe you made me buy all those cereal boxes just so you could get that onesie, I could've bought you it, hell I could have stolen it."

Currently sitting in the kitchen of a very fancy apartment were Vale's master criminals. Rowan was in casual white pyjamas, reading the day's newspaper. Sitting across from her was Neo wearing a very snugg and fluffy onesie with the Pumpkin Pete logo proudly presented on the front, she was happily munching on said cereal swaying slightly to the music that was quietly playing from her scroll.

"We still haven't run out of cereal and that contest was like a month ago." Neo momentarily put down her spoon so she could reply.

-I wanted the satisfaction. I earned this through sweat and tears.- Neo smirked as she gestured to her current sleep wear. Rowan responded with a flat look and a flatter tone.

"No, you earned that through bleeding my wallet dry." Neo just stuck her tongue out and went back to eating her breakfast. "The cereal isn't even that good," Rowan muttered, rolling her eye. Neo decided not to reply to such blasphemy merely slurping the milk from her spoon in defiance.


The pair jumped slightly at the announcement that suddenly blared from Neo's scroll. Rowan suddenly looked like the cat that caught the canary as she interlocked her fingers leaning over the table slightly.

"Ooh here we go Neo, let's hear what the lovely Miss Lavender has to say about us this time." Neo clapped her hands with a small smile as she also leaned over, eager to hear the news report.

"Good morning Vale, I'm Lisa Lavender here to inform you about two dust robberies that occurred almost simultaneously last night. While at first this seems like an unusual coincidence, evidence has come to light that links the robberies together. The first robbery to take place was committed by Vale's infamous Criminal Rowan Torchwick, multiple calls to the police reported Torchwick and some 'large intimidating men' walking down the streets in the direction of the local Dust store."

Rowan and Neo shared a quick smirk, both smug that part of the plan worked, before looking back at the scroll

"After interviewing the owner of the appropriately named Dust till Dawn store he told us that Torchwick and the men came into the store and after threatening him, started collecting as much of his Dust based produce as possible. The owner said, however, that they were interrupted when a young hunter who had been in the back of the store started to take the men out one by one eventually leading to a confrontation in the street. When we asked about the hunter the owner stated that they asked to remain anonymous and he was going to respect that wish out of gratitude for them defending his shop."

Neo looked back up at Rowan curiously, figuring that this is why she had only been able to acquire the one dust case last night, to see her grinning widely at the mention of the hunter. She decided to interrogate Rowan about that little tidbit after the news report.

"Torchwick before leaving the store, stole one case full of fire dust crystals. After she left she was confronted by both the hunter and Beacon Academy's deputy headmistress Glynda Goodwitch who arrived shortly on the scene after being contacted by the authorities. Huntress Goodwitch however unfortunately informed the police that despite her and the young hunter's best efforts, Rowan Torchwick escaped on a stolen Atlesian Bullhead she had as a getaway strategy piloted by an unknown accomplice."

Rowan frowned at that last part. There was shockingly little detail about Cinder's involvement last night. That was very unusual. It wasn't like the hunters to hide details from the authorities, especially regarding people with dangerous semblances. She'd have to ask her employer about that later.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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