Day 2

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Good Morning!Today I woke up very early, at six in the morning!I've done a lot of things and there aren't even nine yet. I decided to write now to start the day with a mission accomplished! Online random diary.The weather is cloudy, but I'm happy because I know it's a new day to restart many dreams, despite being over 40 years old, as I said (I think), if we have another week to live, it's worth our stay here and transform the world of many people.May our life be an inspiration to someone who is by our side, even if it is a neighbor or simply the postman. Or the personnel who carry dry and wet (organic) waste.So, I'm going to start my studies and I've already talked to God. Have you talked to God today? Of course, if you believe He exists. If you are an atheist, talk to yourself and try to find something bigger to understand that you are not the result of mere chance. Yesterday, talking to a friend, we talked about existentialism and how easy it is to get lost in goals and purposes, if we are not focused and with a lot of strength to continue. There are many distractions that the internet and even the media or a mere comic book offer us.I'm not against leisure, on the contrary, I think it's very important to have fun and things that make us decompile our brains every now and then. It's healthy! But I'm talking about what takes our attention for so long that we don't realize it. And time is all we have.We won't take anything from here and we haven't brought anything from here beyond what we are inside and we're changing, because "the same man doesn't enter the same river twice." This sentence is true. The river renews itself all the time and men change with daily experiences. Hence the importance of understanding how important we are in the interplanetary context. Everything we do echoes in eternity, said the Gladiator, from the film. But before him, that phrase already existed. It's in a lot of old books.I stay with this meditation for today.What will we do today to echo in our eternity? And what will we do to make a difference in someone's life?We can do a lot, even if we're not someone important on social media or in the neighborhood. We are always important wherever we go or talk or just look. We can a lot.Throw in flower seeds every day and at the end of a year you will have a garden. Without much effort.It takes no effort to smile or speak words or through pound signs to transform someone's world.May God bless us in another day that He gave us!Be glad!

Everyday...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora