Day 3

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Good morning guys!I'll leave a little song here to wake up, it's childish, but it's nice for those who want to be in a good mood right away!so good morningYesterday I was back on the street and a little dog started to follow. Black, dirty and looked very new. I gave him some food, but he fled through the gate, Oh, my! He was picked up again and slept on the blanket, but... he ran away again. Brought it back. He slept here, but this morning he ran away again. I don't know if you'll be able to adapt here in the courtyard. Let's look at the next chapters.I wasn't able to study very much yesterday because I was a little unwell, like something emotional and depressing that happens to all mortals from time to time. I got discouraged and went to rest and think a little.Today I woke up much better. I hope the day is very productive. Who has never had those days of discouragement, throw the first stone or the first gigantic rock on me. Because, in fact, the world seems so surreal in this generation. In my time we had a life full of games, family always present, known neighbors, no cell phone for everything.One thing that happened, I don't know if I wrote here, but my cell phone hasn't been working since Sunday, and today is Thursday. Next week I'll take the assistance, but this week I want to see what it's like to be without a cell phone. It gives a certain peace and not peace at the same time.Like, you don't have notifications bothering you and you don't have to stop all the time to open apps and talk to someone on some social network for something "urgent" that could actually wait until another week to be resolved. But that person wants to solve it right away, because this generation is fast food. Everything has to be resolved on the spot. And from there comes my theory the wax of super fast and shallow relationships. There's no time for anything. Not for someone else to absorb news, think about possibilities, plan a happy day or not. A day of reflection. There is no time. Everything is for yesterday, everything has to be thoughtless and done in a hurry.Who is at peace living like this? Nobody. It takes peace. Peace is not without fighting, but it is a daily conquest and a firm goal of what you want. And what do we want? It's up to each of us to ask that question and answer it.I think so, how about you? What do you think about all this?I heard on the radio today that Poland is quietly rising as one of Europe's biggest economies. And that's beautiful, because I studied in history that Poland suffered too much from unnecessary persecutions and invasions. It is a people who deserve to be very happy. It makes me very happy to know that they are leaving bad things behind and standing on good foundations. Good policies and correct conduct!Yesterday I also practiced a little more piano, Bachianas 4, by Heitor Villa Lobos. I hope to play it until the end of the year, completely with a good performance. I also heard Diva by Dimash singing. He sings a lot. Maybe one day I will sing like him? Just train right?We have so many unfulfilled dreams! What is yours?Put it on paper and fight for them. Even if it's a little a week. Let it be an hour a week for a year. Until it consolidates. I remember that I always wanted to enter the Piano Conservatory and it was impossible in my eyes. I joined this year. I admit that I'm learning so much that I sometimes go into shock, jajaja. Yes, when we get to an important step in life, we think we won't be able to take the next one sometimes.I'm not the kind of person so confident. I admire and respect a lot who is like that. He knows what he wants, he can go for it without fear, he follows his goals to the letter and is always well and focused on time. And in a good mood, seeing life happily, putting everyone up. One day... who knows... I might get there;No, I'm not like that. I'm the type who thinks he won't make it, even if I take a step forward, afraid of being put down and going back two steps later. I confess!But the important thing is to know how we are and try to change. That yes, I want to change and I'm doing my best. Even writing here for you to read. If someone is reading it, right?That it serves as something good for someone!!!Good morning and happy new day to you!Smile as often as you can today.Thank God for everything, even for the dishwashing sponge. It will do you good to be grateful and see how much you have that other people dream of having.Kisses!!!

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