October 1st, 2021

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Yes, today is October 1st, 2021 and I remember that when we passed the century, in 2000 it was a madness of doubts about everything. End of the world, ecology, politics, economy, technology. Among other things. And we're already going to 2022 in a few months. Can you believe?And I'm here, alive, writing for anyone who wants to read it.Well, today they decided to open stadiums in Porto Alegre, my city, but only those who have a vaccination card can enter. In other words, I can't go because I didn't get vaccinated. And my decision is based on real facts of people I saw come out of the vaccination towards the hospital feeling sick. Then they were left with real problems. I heard reports of people who died after taking the vaccine and there were not a few. The media have been hiding it.I don't judge who decides to get the vaccine, but I already had Coronavirus or Covid 19 in March of last year and I treated myself at home with boldo and garlic tea. The antibiotic they gave me at the hospital only made my shortness of breath and malaise worse. After that, I believe I am immunized. Despite my health never being the same. Any wind I look bad. Yes, this virus is not common and it came to destroy the health of the world population and enrich the big pharmaceutical companies. Imagine, even Johnson is producing vaccines. When did they get into it?? And China's economy? It grew to horrors after the pandemic. Of course there is something very suspicious about the realm of Narnia. But... I'm just a citizen who isn't even seen in the bread line, as Marconi says on the radio show.So, yesterday I didn't have very good health either. I felt depressed and could barely do what I had to. Thoughts and uncertainties about the present and future did not stop bothering my mind even during sleep. And a blessed out-of-tune mosquito disturbed me all night long. He thinks he's my friend...he can only!!!Today I intend to resume my studies and care. Nails already need maintenance. Peeling the purple nail polish.And my puppy is gone. The one who followed me down the street. He went through the railing. He has a building in front of my house and they said an engineer wanted to take him. But it didn't. And he took himself ???? Not even warned!!! I will have to research this thoroughly. See if you can!So many things happen in the life of a simple mortal. It's the clock I forgot to put on to wake up and woke up an hour early thinking I was late for the day. I had breakfast an hour before.My phone? It hasn't returned to normal yet. Nothing from him. I'm really going to have to take it to the repair shop this afternoon. I hope you have a way. Otherwise I will remain a few days without communication with the outside world.I don't miss it that much, but Apps were important to organize things and finances. Not that I can't do it without, but it was more comfortable. Self-indulgence...not only self-indulgence, but time as well. It's what technology promises to give us and takes away from us without realizing it. In-depth analysis for today: Anyone who really wants to get in touch with me will find a way. Who really cares will know about me from someone in the family. Anyone who wants to see me will leave and come see me at any time. I think this way. I could be wrong too.My piano lesson is today and I'm not sure I'm doing well. I haven't studied enough and I feel that I need to exercise more physically to be more energetic. But it doesn't stop raining and it's cold here. It gets complicated to go out for a walk. It was supposed to be good weather. The rain was supposed to be in August, not September and October. We entered October with rain in the middle of the south. Very strange.But who cares about time, right?I don't think anyone will read this until the end, if you've made it this far, you must really want to know what happens in my life.So I don't have a boyfriend or anyone in sight. Not in the heart. I saw a course on the internet about this. I forgot the name, then I try to see it to talk about it. I'm going to do it this month to see if I learn how to relate to people. I have difficulty interacting normally. For being shy and sometimes not knowing how to talk and what to say. Whether or not I can talk about certain subjects. I never know the time or what to say. I don't know if I really want someone too. They say I'm pretty and I look much younger, but in my city it's normal for everyone to say that to everyone. So I never know if it's the truth. As if it mattered to like or be liked by someone.Why do you always ask why I don't have someone? I never know the answer. I haven't stopped to think about it yet and time just goes by. And I don't have anyone yet. Ten years after the divorce and I never got married again. Maybe it's time. It seems like almost everyone is rooting for it, but no one I care about really cares about me. Only those who don't interest me. And why am I not interested???? Hence the question! Why is it so hard to get to know someone who really is, without falsehoods or gimmicks? I know that a lot of people are nice and sincere and want a sincere and good relationship. But where are these people I never find????You have to laugh right

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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