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Kore hummed softly as she made her way to class, alone for once. She didn't mind, as Draco, Hermione, or Alessia were always with her. However, her last class was always the one she had without any of them. Usually one of her friends would be waiting after to walk to dinner with her.

A small scream tore from her throat as a hand closed around her arm and dragged her into one of the few vacant, dark classrooms. The air was nearly knocked out of her as her back was shoved against a nearby wall, and a hand covered her mouth. It took her a moment for her eyes to adjust before she could recognize her attacker.


"One sound out of you and I'll kill you, you freak." His husky voice whispered in her ear. She felt cold metal press against her collarbone, and her eyes grew wide. Slowly, he released his hand from her mouth, instead placing it on the wall behind her.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Kore demanded, fear coursing through her as the shadows swirled around her clenched fists. The position they were in, it would be difficult to get him away without exposing her ability entirely. If she were to just kill him, there would be no way to cover it up. They were on the third floor of the castle. She couldn't slice his throat with the shadows and push him out the window. It would be too obvious.

"I deserve answers." His voice was shaky as well as hoarse. He was afraid.

He should be.

Kill him.

Blood. Give us blood.

"What kind of answers?!" Her voice too grew shaky as she fought back tears. "What did I do to you to warrant this?!"

"You've replaced me with the blonde boy so easily, Kordelia. I watched you all. You look at him in a way you've never looked at me. The way he looks at you is disgusting. It's as if you're an object belonging to him. That's not all I've seen, my darling Kordelia. You move things without touching them." He was rambling. His eyes were wide and crazed. He had truly lost his mind. Stubble decorated his face as well, as if he hadn't shaved in a week. The knife pressed into her collarbone more.

"You've gone mad." Kore stated venomously. No one would believe him if he told. No one.

He hit the wall behind her, causing her to yelp.

"I'm not crazy!" He shouted, face closer to her. "You're a freak. You're dangerous. Wait until I tell everyone. Killing you would make me a hero."

"Oh no, I'm so scared." She deadpanned. She couldn't help herself.

"You should be. The things I'm going to do to you before I kill you, my dearest Kordelia.... you'll regret everything you've done to me. Everything."

The lock to the door clicked, causing Declan to tense. He turned his head to watch, breathing shallow. The door slowly opened, but no one entered. The dark haired boy holding her hostage was shaking violently now.

Suddenly, as if melting out from the shadows, a hand grabbed the wrist that held the knife, squeezing it until a cracking sound filled the room. Declan cried out, dropping the knife. The rest of Professor Marino emerged from the shadows, backing Declan up away from Kore.

"Kore!" Draco entered the room quickly, grabbing the girl. She was shaking, eyes wide as she watched her favorite Professor twist Declan's arm until the boy dropped to his knees.

Draco forced her to look away from the scene as he looked her over for injuries, face etched with worry. His hair, normally slicked back or to the side, was completely disheveled, as was his normally pristine attire. It was as if he had undone several top buttons to breathe better, as well as run his hands through his hair multiple times.

C'est La Vie -Harry Potter AU (D.M)Where stories live. Discover now