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Tw: Mentions of self harm later

Harry found himself glancing back to Kordelia and Draco more often than he would like to admit. The dark haired girl would chat amicably to Narcissa about their schooling and how she made Draco and Hermione both try authentic Italian foods they both had never tried. He found himself watching how the girl's eyes sparkled when she spoke, and how the shadows swirled around her hands seemingly in a way to keep her from fidgeting. Her laughter was like chiming bells; quiet but not obnoxious to hear. He noted how silvery and appealing her voice was. She gave Narcissa her entire attention when speaking and listening to her.

He wished he could make an attempt to talk to her, but what would he even say?

"One moment, Narcissa." Kordelia excused herself before turning her attention forward. "Alessia, ten til six!" She called up.

"Thank you, mia amina!" Alessia called back. "Alright, my friends, it is nearly time for dinner. We should be heading to the dining room."

Harry found himself wondering why no one questioned Alessia, Hermione's girlfriend, referring to Kordelia as her soul. However, he said nothing about this.

Once back in the dining room, Alessia lead the group to a table more toward the back corner. She took a seat on the end, Hermione sat next to her, then Tonks, then Remus. Harry found himself sitting across from Alessia, Kordelia next to him, then Draco, then Narcissa. Harry glanced at the small, typed menu in front of him, eyebrows knit from confusion. He didn't know what some of it meant....

"You should get the Melanzane di Parmigiana." Kordelia told him, elbow on the table, head on her hand as she gave him a cheshire grin. He felt his heartbeat pick up under her gaze.

"Is it good?" Harry questioned. Kore smirked.

"Kordelia Isobel MacKenzie, stop bullying the English boy." Alessia scolded her best friend, shooting her a playful glare. "Harry, don't listen to that heathen. She's trying to feed you sliced eggplant in marinara sauce and cheese."

Kordelia laughed a twinkling laugh, returning to her own menu. Draco squeezed her hand under the table.

When waiters came around, Harry just ordered the lasagne, not knowing what else to order. Kordelia ordered chicken Pappardelle, Draco ordered the same, and it seemed most of the table opted for risotto or lasagne.

The waiter also dropped off several small cups of espresso. Kordelia seemed most excited for this.

Harry noted how on edge Remus seemed. He wanted to ask, but they were so far away.

It wasn't until an explosion was heard, shaking the castle, that all hell broke loose.

Kordelia finished her espresso quickly, the caffeine seeming to fuel the shadows around her. Shouts and screams filled the room as another explosion was heard. Draco shielded Kore, pulling her under the table with everyone else.

"The Order will be fighting. Harry, Hermione, take Alessia and Kordelia to Albus. He'll be hidden toward the gate." Tonks ordered.

"What about Draco?" Kordelia questioned, eyes wide with fear.

"Draco and his mother must go with the other Death Eaters. The Dark Lord has gotten sick of waiting for Draco to retrieve the second chosen one and has decided to take matters into his own hands." Remus explained to the girl.

"So we're just going to run?" Harry demanded. "We aren't going to protect the muggles?"

"The Order is doing their best, Harry, but you must go- Harry!" Remus shouted after the boy as he darted out from under the table, Kore following.

C'est La Vie -Harry Potter AU (D.M)Where stories live. Discover now