Live Life

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Convincing Enzo to allow them to have another party was not easy. He only frowned upon them due to the issue of Kore's safety. He didn't care about any of the other students. However, when Draco, Alessia, and Hermione all reassured him that one of them would be with Kore at all times, he gave in.

Alessia did not hold back this time. It was nearing Christmas, when their families would be allowed to visit, and all the students allowed to know of the party definitely needed to blow off some steam.

"Rich boarding school kids don't have many things to do, so getting drunk or high while listening to loud music? Fantastic." Kore joked as Hermione put up silencing charms in the three dorms they would be using, before Kore plugged in her iPod and began playing loud music.

Draco understood. Slytherin house had some wild parties. He barely remembered them, being too drunk on fire whiskey to remember.

This was muggle alcohol, however, something Draco was not familiar with.

As students carefully made their way in, staggered so not to gather too much attention, Kore had managed to get down around four shots of vodka, linking arms with Alessia of course. Draco and Hermione watched the two carefully. Kore would laugh after swallowing each one, probably to keep from making a face. After the two were finished with their ritual, Alessia attempted to hand a shot to Hermione. Hermione scrunched her nose and shook her head.

"Come on, Granger, lighten up." Draco taunted as he took a shot from Kordelia. He couldn't help the face he made at the burning from the alcohol. "It's not that bad." He tried to reassure the curly haired girl after a moment.

"Right. Your face and voice say otherwise." Hermione scoffed.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, tessoro, we just want you to have fun." Alessia reassured her girlfriend as she draped herself over her shoulders and nuzzled into the side of her neck.

Hermione groaned before snatching a shot off the table and tipping her head back as she drank it. Her body shuddered a second. Draco laughed at her expression, clapping for her before filling a plastic cup with about seventy-five percent vodka and twenty-five percent juice. Kore did the same, but finished it rather quickly. Draco chuckled, tapping her nose with his his finger.

"You should stick to shots, Kore. At least then we can keep track of how much you drink." He teased her. She glared at him playfully, before filling her shot glass up with vodka once more.

Hermione was finally starting to loosen up after a few drinks, going between poking fun at her friends and telling Alessia how much she cared for her. Alessia kissed her girlfriend's shoulder, glad she was enjoying herself.

Draco watched a few boys staring at Kore in the short, long sleeved navy dress she wore, and wrapped his arm around her waist. He made eye contact with one of the boys, glaring at him, before he grabbed the shot glass from Kore, pulled her closer, and then held it to her lips. She stared at him a minute before consuming the liquid. He set the glass down before swiping at the corner of her mouth with his thumb and winking at her. Her eyes grew wide at this. She cleared her throat and wiggled out of his grasp.

"I'm gonna go smoke with some of the others." She told their group, but mostly Draco. Her heart was racing. She had thought a minute he would kiss her. She needed a second to recover.

Draco shrugged and held her hand, walking with her to another room. Once inside the smoke filled room, she plucked a blunt from another student's hands, placed it between her lips, and inhaled, before giving it back.

"That was hot." The male student muttered with wide eyes. Kore winked, holding the smoke in. Before she could exhale, Draco hooked his fingers under her chin, turned her to face him, and pressed his lips to hers. When he broke the kiss, they both exhaled out smoke.

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