2.02: Snake Eyes

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Chapter 19
Peeta's POV

I have sat in the dark for what seems like a day now, and nothing has happened.

The door opens, and I stare into the eyes of president snow. They are yellow-green like the eves of snakes, and even through the stench of artificial roses is so strong, I can still smell blood.

"Mr. Mellark. Do you know where you are?"

I don't reply.

"Mr. Mellark, we can force these answers out of you. I don't want to do that. I want us to be allies, and I hope we can. But if you won't..." He stares at me. "We will force those answers. So, let me ask you again," he says, moving closer, "Do you know where you are?"

"The Capitol."

"That's right. You are in the Capitol. I apologise that these rooms aren't very nice."

I stare blankly. "Where's Katniss," I say softly.

"I'm sorry?"

"Where," I say, my teeth gritted, "Is Katniss?"

Snow stops for a minute before speaking. "Mr. Mellark, I'm very sorry. District 13 took her. She is dead." I slump back against the wall, no hope left. "Mr. Mellark, we can help you come over your loss."

I stay silent. I don't want to talk.


At some point some Capitol attendants come in. They bring out a needle and explain what it does, but I don't really listen.

"Mr. Mellark, is that ok?" They say.

I don't know why they are asking me, but I nod. "Yeah, it's okay."

They look taken aback by this, like they expected me to thrash and fight. Maybe I would've done. But there isn't any point now. I let them stab the needle into my neck, and slowly lose consciousness. I stare out into darkness and eventually give into it.


Katniss's POV

"Ms. Everdeen, how are you feeling?"

I barely register the question, but automatically answer, "Fine."

Three people in white lab coats over grey overalls stand by the door to my hospital room and scribble onto their clipboards whilst a fourth sits on a chair next to me and nods.

"Ms. Everdeen, please answer honestly."

"I'm fine."

The doctor sitting by my bed sighs. He looks to the other three and they leave the room, followed by him, leaving me alone.

The door begins to open again, and I groan at the prospect of them sending in another doctor. "How you doing, sweetheart?" Haymitch says. I go to sit up, but wince slightly and stop.

"I'm okay I guess," I say, propping myself up against a mountain of pillows. "I haven't been allowed to leave this room, the only visitors I have had are doctors and one visit from Plutarch, and I hated the doctor's company even more than Plutarch's, which is saying something."

Haymitch laughs, and I do too, but stop in a fit of coughing.

"I'm fine," I say, noticing the worried look on his face. "Why didn't you rescue Peeta. You promised me you would rescue him."

Haymitch sighs. "I also promised Peeta I would rescue you, and technically with you we rescued two people. We wanted to get you out first, you were our priority, but when we went to get Peeta, he still had the tracker in him, so the Capitol got there first."


"Katniss we tried. I wanted to rescue him, and we are trying to get Coin to rescue him from the Capitol, but we don't know how long it will take, and she isn't exactly friendly."

He looks genuinely sorry, so instead of making a sarcastic remark or shouting at him, I just sit there.

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