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Louis arrived home about 30 minutes before the rest of the boys and locked the door and Liam had forgotten his key this day and Louis didn't hear them arrive as he was in the shower. Louis gets out the shower and hears his phone ring it's Liam.
Liam: "Louis!"
Louis: "hello? What's wrong?"
Liam: "are you home I forgot my key and I just got back with the boys and the doors locked"
Louis: "sorry I was in the shower I'll come down now let's me grab a towel"
Liam hangs up and Louis quickly wraps a towel around his bottom half and runs to open the door. He unlocks the door and the boys come inside.
Louis: "sorry I was having a shower"
Liam: "well you could have kept the door unlocked."
Louis: "what If someone broke in though"
Liam: "oh yeah I guess"
Harry can't look up at Louis as he knows he can't stop staring at him if he looks at him louis noticed this but doesn't say anything.
Liam: "I'm going up stairs come on boys"
Harry: "l-Liam can I g-grab a drink"
Liam: "sure you know where the kitchen is I'll see you in a minute"
The boys walk upstairs as harry keeps his head low as he walks past Louis blushing slightly. Harry quickly goes inside the kitchen then hears someone come In it's Louis.
Louis: "hey Harry you seem quite quiet and shy today you look upset are you okay?"
Harry: "I-I'm f-fine I'm not upset why? do I look sad?"
Louis: "yeah kinda"
Louis says as he steps closer and harry refuses to look in his direction harry gets quite nervous and quickly grabs a glass and starts to fill it up with tap water.
Louis: "harry are you sure ur alright you keep not looking at me and normally you would be?"
Harry: "is that a problem? Do I have to look at you?"
Louis: "no but you normally would be looking at me I just thought you were upset"
Harry: "like I said I'm fine can I please just go upstairs?"
Louis: "yeah I guess so. Wait actually come here."
Harry puts his glass down on the counter and walks to Louis and sits down at the island next to Louis.
Harry: "what's up?"
Louis: " well I was wondering if you maybe wanted to maybe watch a movie later" Louis says rubbing the back of his neck.
Harry: "sure ok what time and what room your house is to big"
Louis chuckles slightly.
Louis: "umm I have a tv in my room so there I guess and around 8?"
Harry: "yeah ok" harry says up and finally looks up at Louis then stands up grabs his water and walks to Liams room.
Liam: "harry what took you so long you literally took like 20,000 years.
Harry: " I was talking to Louis"
Niall: "Omg what did he say?"
Harry: "he wants to watch a movie with me later"
Harry continues to tell the boys all that just happened then Niall says this...
Niall: "wait he might like you"
Harry: "what what- but he would never like or let alone date anyone like me I'm just some boring old 16 year old."
Niall: "harry don't say that ok li I'm going to go downstairs I'm hungry"
Liam: "Oki guess just don't eat my entire fridge"
While Nialls gone harry is telling the other two boys about his first lesson history.
Harry: "wait Liam i have a question"
Liam: "what is it?"
Harry: "do you if Louis actually likes me and we idk hypothetically started dating would you be ok with that"
Liam: "I mean I wouldn't really have a choice in the matter Louis and you can do what you want I mean your gay so I support you no matter what but I probably wouldn't mind it's just when you would first tell me i would probably be shocked but I would support you yes I mean he's my step brother and your my best friend so obviously I have to support you."
Harry: "oh ok I was just wondering anyway where Niall he's been gone ages and what's for dinner?"
Liam: "Louis said he was going to order us all pizza and Nialls probably still eating and you probably will be at your date with my brother by that point so he can be your dessert"
Louis hears this as he walks past and stands in the door way no one has noticed yet though.
Harry: "it's not a date! And that's discussing Liam he's your brother why would you think about me and him in that way just no ew wtf your his brother like?"
Liam: "haha your reaction is killing me and if you say so it's not a "date"" Liam says doing quotation marks in the air then Louis knocks the door.
Louis: "Liam I literally heard all that and that's disgusting like what harry said like wtf I'm your brother"
Liam: "ok? Anyways have you seen Niall?"
Louis: "no but I came to talk to Harry"
Harry and Louis step out the room and into Louis room.
Louis: "right first off I just want to say sorry about my brother I just he does that a lot and I never said it's a date or anything so he does that he likes to tease me a lot about going on "dates" when I'm going to the movies and stuff"
Harry: "trust me it's ok he does that to me as well" harry says as he's looking at Louis who's now dressed in a pair of grey/light black shorts and white socks and no shirt. Harry can't keep his eyes of Louis abs and he's blushing quite a bit.
Louis: "harry are you alright you seem a bit I don't know red"
Harry: "yes I'm fine but can I maybe go now?"
Louis: "yeah sure also what pizza do you want for later?"
Harry: "umm probably cheese"
Louis: "right I already know what the others want Liam told me yesterday"
Harry: "oh ok"
Harry walks out of Louis room and walks into the bathroom to make sure he doesn't go into Liams room a blushing mess so he splashed water on his face but It just makes it worse and he gives up and slowly walks to Liams room.

*around 7:50pm*
Harry: "hey guys where's Louis?"
Louis walks in as he says that.
Louis: "I'm right here haha you coming or what"
Harry: "yeah one second let me grab me phone"
Louis: "alright I'll see you in a minute also guys pizzas been ordered"
Everyone: "okay"
Louis and harry walk to his room harry is very nervous this will be the longest time he would have spent with Louis in one sitting he can already feeling himself blushing slightly. They walk in and Louis sits on the bed and taps on the place next to him for harry to sit. Harry sits down slowly.
Harry: "s-so what film are we watching?"
Louis: "I was thinking The Note book maybe"
Harry loves this movie so he's very excited about Louis choice.
Harry: "omg yes I love that movie"
Louis and harry get comfortable and they both end up laying down but harry has a thought.

Harry's mind:
So I just layed down and Louis still has no shirt on and I can't stop looking at him as he's talking and putting on the movie I just want to curl up in his arms and fall asleep and him to cuddle me to sleep and let me stay here but I'm to fricking scared to say anything.

While harry is deep in thought he can hear Louis talking and saying his names slightly. Louis is waving his hand in front of Harry's face.
Louis: "harry? Hello?"
Harry is startled and jumps slightly.
Harry: "sorry I zoned out I was just thinking about something that happened in uhh art class."
Louis: "oh uhh right anyway the movie or film is about to start."
Harry: "oh ok"
About 30 minutes goes by and harry gets up to go to the toilet obviously telling Louis first once he comes back he on makes sure he's sat closer than he was to Louis and now is sitting so close that there legs are touching.
Louis: "someone's sat close"
Harry: "sorry I didn't mean to sit that close I'll move over"
Louis: "harry it's fine I was joking my days come ere."
Louis says as he opens his arms harry carefully lays down in Louis arms and they start to cuddle Harry's now blushing a lot and harry was very flustered and a mess and is very confused as to why Louis is cuddling him maybe Niall was right? What if he does like him?

Writers key: yes I left it on a cliff hanger haha you will have to wait for the next chapter to be able to read it lol anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this is like over 1500 words and this took me so long to write so I'd really appreciate it if you voted for my story. Anyways have a great day of night and have a great rest of your week. :) - caitlyn 💖

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