Another fight

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Screams and cries echo as blow after blow lands. Blood and bruises keep coming, the students are horrified as the professors rush to help. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter we've pulled apart and put in a body bind. "MR.POTTER AND MR.MALFOY I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU TOO!" The headmistress drags them by the ear to her office, rather annoyed and the boys.

======At Mcgonagall's Office=====
"You boys will be the death of me! You are 18 years old now! Why can't you act like it?!" Headmistress McGonagall shouts, sitting down behind her desk. "That's it I'm done with this behavior, starting tonight you will both will be sharing a room" she stated in irritation.
"WHAT??" both boys screamed, standing up so fast their chairs crash to the ground behind them.
"You can't be serious?! With him!?" Malfoy screamed in horror.
"ENOUGH" McGonagall screamed that them, effectively shutting them up. To say the least, the boys are now up in their new dorm.

===== Sometime After Getting There====
"This is just great I-" Harry said before he was interrupted.
"Oh, would you shut up! And lest you can escape, I bet your friends would let you stay with them!" Draco shouted, his anger rising.
"As if you can't go ask yours?" Harry replied, tapping his foot.
"I don't have any friends pothead...even if someone talked to me, who would help a death eater..." Draco finished, dragging himself to his room.
"I..." our young savor didn't know what to do, why did he feel so bad?...

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