A Morning to Remember

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The alarm clock obnoxiously rung beside his head, making the raven haired male mutter in annoyance at the damned thing. He finally had enough and slammed his hand onto the clock, shutting it up. Harry sat up got onto the cold wood floors, sending a shiver through his acking body. After a shower and shave he fixed his hair(to the best of his ability) and put on his clothes for the day, that being a baggy Gryffindor hoodie, blue jeans, and his red convrse. He stepped outside his room, to see the rest of the dorm was empty? However that was weird as Malfoy always seemed to pride himself on being an early riser. Being the curious...yet stupid...lion he is, he set out for Malfoys room. The door was cracked and Malfoy wasn't awnsring a knock. Fearing the worst(Though he didn't know why), Harry pushed open the door and a gasp escaped his lips. Standing in the bedroom infront of a mirror was Draco Malfoy in a skirt! The young Malfoy sported a black mini skirt with fishnets, as well as a sleeveless 21 pilots t-shirt. The gasp seemed to have alerted the short blonde, causing him to turn quickly to identify the intruder. "POTTER WHAT HELL?! GET OUT!" Draco screamed apon seeing the savor in his door way.
"I-I um" Harry stuttred out, very confused.
"OUT" Draco echoed again, despret for this to end. With that harry sprinted out. After calming down he sat on the couch to think things over. Malfoy wore skirts, so what? It's just fabric. A few minutes later Draco walked out of this room in black slacks, a black dress shirt, and a black cloak.
"Why'd you change," Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.
"None of your business!" Draco shot back, immediately looking insecure. Which Harry picked up on quickly.
"Oh hell no-" harry marched over grabbed the blonde and shoved him back into the room. After hours of arguments and a breakdown, Draco walked out of his room again, in his skirt with a small smile, Harry smiled at the boy. Why had he gotten upset seeing the Slytherin so insecure? Why had he even cared? W...Why had he looked so cute in it? Well he didn't know, but right now it didn't matter to him anyway.

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