Chapter 32

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Just a heads up before the chapter starts. I'm not good at writing fight scenes. I don't know the exact names, I just kind of go off what others tell me. So I'm sorry in advance.

And I still can't believe I named Matt Damien -.- if I didn't say in a previous chapter, I named Eddys brother Damien. Whelp, turns out his name is actually Matt. I missed some things.... I have issues. Anyway. Enjoy!


Eddy and Skye quietly slipped through the door as they got home from Ed's home. It was 3 am. Of course it was Saturday, and it wouldn't really matter, but Eddy's father was most likely sleeping. They didn't want to disturb him, as he had been having trouble staying asleep lately.

Eddy glanced to his right into the living room and was satisfied when he saw his dad went to sleep. He and Skye quietly crept down the hall and towards his room. They were at the door to Eddy's bedroom when they heard a door open. They turned to see Matthew grinning slyly at them. His hair was sticking up in all different directions, and he wore only a pair of basketball shorts. Since he didnt have a shirt on, it looked like a petty attempt to show off his (no matter how nonexistent) abs.

"Late night I see?"

Eddy laughed lightly, trying to brush it off, and scrambled his brain for an excuse. Matt would most likely tell his dad, and Matt would never let them hear the end of it. They were only at Kevin's party, but it would start drama that Eddy did not want to worry about.

Before anyone could say anything, a skinny tan arm wrapped itself around his brothers shirtless chest. A girls face emerged from behind him, it was pretty obvious she was naked. "Babe, what's taking so long?" A voice asked, sounding extremely impatient. "Who is it?" It asked once again. Matt's face paled and a giant, evil smirk grew on Eddy's face. Skye was trying to hold back her laughter.

"Late night I see?" Skye said in between laughs. Matt's face flushed. "Shut up you twerps!" Eddy's smirk grew into a grin. "Sure thing." Eddy and Skye bustled into the room and shut the door where they burst out into laughter. "H-he... Brought a... Girl home!" Skye choked out between laughs. Eddy nodded since he could not stop laughing to speak. "Hey, at least he found someone who would sleep with him, because God knows no one else will." Eddy composed himself enough to say. Eddy crawled into his bed without even bothering to take his jeans off, Skye doing the same. Before much time passed, they were both asleep.

(Skye's POV)

As I woke up later that Saturday, I noticed that I was buried in my blanket. I felt my hair, which I had forgotten to put in a ponytail like I normally did when I slept, was all over my face. Some was even in my mouth. Yuck.

I sat up and stuck out my tongue as my hand swiped the hair away. Once it was all gone, I closed my mouth and looked at my wrist. I looked underneath my rubber bracelets and had a mini celebration in my head when I saw a neon green hair tie under my Bullet For My Valentine bracelet.

I quickly tied my hair up and out of my face, my fading blue bangs falling into my face. Man, I needed to dye those again. Maybe Eddy will let me do his hair again... His blue was fading too. I glanced up at the boy in question. He was sprawled randomly across his bed while still wearing his jeans and T-Shirt. He had his mouth slightly open and was snoring. It wasn't loud enough to be obnoxious, thank heaven above, but it was noticeable.

The blanket I was wrapped in fell off of my shoulders an torso and I just realized how cold it was in this damn room. Grumbling to myself, I stood up and walked across the carpeted floor to Eddy's queen sized circular bed. My back ached slightly from sleeping on the bad mattress. "Eddy, wake up."

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