Chapter 8

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Soooooo............. Is anyone, like, still reading this story? Or..........? Because I don't know... I'm kinda losing motivation for this story... But I mean if people still want me to continue then I will... But if no one's reading it then there's no point in writing it, ya know?

Alright. So this is kinda just a trial chapter... Uhhhhh..... So I like rewatched SO MUCH of this show. Netflix got a workout. So I hope I got the details right, but they're all kind of blending together because I stayed up late last night finishing the season I was on (season 5)... All from the beginning... How about that?......... Yeah I have no life......

Disclaimer: I don't own Ed Edd n' Eddy... I wish...


~Eddy's P.O.V.~

*Flashback Begin*

My brother and I were sitting in the living room at our house in LA. .He was watching some cartoon on TV and I was drawing. Damien was laughing at the cartoon. I just rolled my eyes. My phone began to vibrate in my pocket and I took it out. Talen texted me.

Hey can I come over?

I looked over at Damien, who was still laughing at the show. Our mom was on a business trip for the week and wouldn't be back for a few days yet. I looked back at my phone.


I looked back at my sketchbook and picked up my pencils to draw a bit more before Talen came over. He texted me back right away.

Good because I'm in your driveway

I read the text a couple times just to make sure I'm not crazy. I went to the front door and went to open it. Just as my hand reached for the doorknob someone knocked. I opened it and, sure enough, there was Talen. "Hey." He said simply. I moved aside and he stepped in. He made a beeline for the spare room, where I kept my Xbox. He opened the door to my bedroom and threw his stuff in. He closed my door again and walked into the spare room.

"I find it sad that you probably know my house more than I do." I said as I sat down in the beanbag chair. Talen nodded as he sat down in the beanbag chair next to mine. We sat in silence for a couple seconds and Talen looked at me. "Black Ops 2?" I shrugged and pointed to the bookshelf where I keep all of my games. He went over and grabbed the game. He put it in and we started the game. I signed into my profile and he signed into his.

"Hehehe... Hobomidget4life......" He said, mocking my name. "Hey, at least I didn't name mine after Family Guy." Talen scoffed. "Say what you want but Consuela is the shit. That way, when you kill someone, it will say 'so-and-so was killed by Consuela'". I shook my head. "I wonder about you sometimes man."

We started the game and began to play zombies. "Alright, round 30 this time." Talen said, jokingly. I laughed. "More like, 3. Let's face it. We suck at this game..." Talen thought for a moment, then nodded.

The game started and we were at the gas station (I don't remember what it's called ;~;) And we started to gather the parts for the turbine. "You little shit, you got all of the kills....." Talen said. I stuck my tongue out at him. We both grabbed a turbine and went to the second room. As Talen opened the second door, I grabbed the part in the back of the room. It was a ladder for the bus. We went outside and I added the part to the bus. I climbed on the bus as it was leaving. We left the gas station. We were running around on the bus when we got to the second location. I opened the door to the box and Talen went to use the box. It gave him EMP grenades. "On the bright side, we have something to kill the electric guy with. On the down side, I'm not going to use it until he appears, and I don't have enough points left to use the box again. So I'm stuck with my pistol until we get to the place where we turn on the power." I went in to use the box as Talen was talking. "Oh, yeah. It has that machine gun there." When the box gave me my gun, I almost screamed in excitement. "But hey, I can protect you until then because I just got the fucking ray gun." I said happily. Talen looked at my screen. "No fucking way." When he saw it in my hand we high fived. We turned around and Talen went to the bus as I went to see if there was another part lying around. I opened the shed with my turbine and saw the ladder. I grabbed it and I turned around just as the bus started to leave. I tried to get on it but it wouldn't let me on. "No! What the hell? Why wont it let me on?" The bus drove away and I went back to the place, while trying to get a zombie to stop clawing my eyes.

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