CHAPTER 16 (part one)

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(Damien's POV)

I watched as Eddy puked into the toilet, rubbing his back awkwardly in a comforting way. He coughed and sat back on his legs and flushed the toilet. He grabbed a piece of toilet paper and wiped his mouth. I stopped rubbing his back. He wiped sweat off of his forehead. "C-can you call me into school?" He asked desperately.

I felt bad for the pipsqueak. Ever since he was 13, he always had days like this. He gets this awful fever, he shakes a lot, he can barely keep any food down, and needless to say, he spends most of his day in the bathroom with a jug of water and a bottle of pepto-bismol. But it only happenes twice a year. Other than these days, he never gets sick. No matter how much my brother and I don't get along, he doesn't deserve to be sick like this... Cause this would fucking suck.

He gagged and put his face near the toilet again. "Please?" He begged. I stood an walked out into the hall. I still remember when he first started getting like this...

(Normal POV)
Eddy was sleeping in his bed, having a dream about unlimited money and jawbreakers, when he suddenly woke up with this unbearable ache in his side. He clenched his eyes shut in pain. He tried to stand and almost fell. He balanced himself on his nightstand and made his way to the door. He shuffled through the small house to get to the bathroom door. He stumbled in and flicked on the light.

Eddys legs collapsed underneath him and he went sprawling all over the floor. The ache in his side became a growing pain that continuously gnawed at him. He crawled slowly over to the toilet and emptied his stomach. Continuously. When it finally seemed to stop, he wiped his mouth with his hand, because there was no toilet paper in his reach and he was afraid to move, his stomach sank as he saw his hand tinted an odd reddish orange color. He didn't know what to do. He vomited again and when he was done this time, the pain spread to his entire torso. He gripped the toilet seat as tightly as he could. He lifted his hand to his face and saw it was very badly shaking.

"M-mom?" He called out in barley a whisper. He coughed. "Mom?" He called out a bit louder this time. The ache in his side turned to a burning sensation. He vomited once more. "MOM?! Anyone?" He called desperately. The pain spread to his head and made his vision blurry and his head pound. He heard footsteps coming closer to us location.

Damien came into the room and looked onto his brother. "Pipsqueak? What are you doing?" He kneeled down next to Eddy. "Dying." Eddy said weakly, leaning his head over the toilet. "C-can you go get mom?" He practically cried. Damien scurried up to his feet and ran to his parents room.

"Mom! Roger! Something's wrong with Eddy!" The said parents sat up in their sleepy state. "What?" Karen said as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "He's puking all over and... I don't know. Just, something's wrong." She was fully awake now. She hopped out of bed and grabbed her nearby robe. She threw it on as she shuffled to the bathroom. She saw Eddy moaning in pain and kneeled down next to him. "Eddy? Baby, what's wrong?" She stroked his hair as he groaned in pain. "I-I-I don't know...... B-but....... It... Huuuurrttsss!!!!!" Eddy sobbed. She put her hand on his forehead and pulled it away imidiateley. "Roger, he's burning up!"

Roger, being a medical assistant, went to the other side of Eddy. "Damien, go get me the Advil. And the pepto-bismol." He began to run Eddys back as Damien ran out the door. Eddy puked again and cried out after he was done. "W-what's wrong with me?" He cried. Roger shrugged. "I don't know. Karen, go call an ambulance." She nodded and ran out of the room as well. Damien came back with all the things roger asked for and gave them to him.

Not very long after, Eddy passed out from a mixture of both exhaustion and pain. The ambulance got there soon after that. They loaded him in and took him to the hospital. They said he was fine and this would be normal for him. They prescribed him some medication for severe pain as well as some to settle his stomach better than pepto-bismol.

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