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(Normal POV)

Double D was kneeling on the floor, scribing the kitchen to perfection. The white marble tiles showed his reflection. 'Filthy filthy filthy...' He mumbled to himself. He sat back and took off his rubber gloves. He put the scrubbing brush back in the soapy bucket and sighed in satisfaction. He stood and took his cleaning supplies. We rid the bucket of its dirty water and put it back in the closet where it belonged. He silently strode into the family room an picked up one of the many sticky notes. He reread it for the hundredth time to make sure he didn't miss anything. He folded it neatly and placed it into the trash.

Read the sticky note, do whatever chore his mother and father asked him to do, throw away the sticky note and move onto the next. Double D had continuously repeated this process throughout the entire day, as Saturday was his chore day.

Double D's smile slowly turned into a grimace as he continued to read the note. "I detest mowing the lawn..." He said as he placed the note down once more. He walked out into his backyard to get the mower. They still had the old push mower, so he went to the shed and grabbed it.

Double D only had three strips done when Eddy and Ed came over the fence from Eddy's own yard. "Hey, sockhead! Me and Ed are going to the candy store, wanna come?" Eddy pulled out a five dollar bill, which would buy them each plenty of jawbreakers. Double D looked back and forth between his lawn and Eddy. He sighed. As much as he wanted to go, he needed to finnish his chores.

"My apologies, Eddy, but I cannot disobey mother and father's wishes. Yore just going to have to go without me, I'm afraid." He continued to push the mower until Eddy pushed his money back in his pocket and walked over. He gently pushed Double D away from the mower and took his place. "Excuse me Eddy, but what are you doing?" Eddy turned to him. "Me and Lumpy have been watching you try to push this thing for five minutes now. So I'll do this, you and him can do something else." Eddy turned again and began to mow the lawn for him. Double D smiled. He hurried into the house and grabbed more sticky notes.

Before long, all of Double Ds chores were done, and the Eds were on their way to the candy store. They decided to ride in Damien's old black car, which Eddy drives a lot lately. They pulled up outside and rushed inside like little kids. Ed was drooling, Eddy was hastily moving to the section of the store that sold jawbreakers, with Double D not too far behind him. They each got one dollar worth of jawbreakers and went to the cash register.

"Hey, I remember you! You were the three boys who always stood outside the store but never bought anything. From about 5 years ago! Finally came in to buy something, eh?" The old shopkeeper said. Eddy laughed. "Yeah, that's us." Double D flashed him a polite smile, while Ed just continued to drool over the jawbreakers. Eddy pushed his head back. "Easy, Lumpy. You'll get them eventually." Eddy said. The cashier rang them up and they were on their way. Damien ha to pick up the car, so they began to walk home.

"I can't believe that old guy remembered us, I barely remembered him!" Eddy said, his words slurring because of the jawbreaker in his mouth. Double D wanted to save his, so he had his jawbreakers in his pocket. Ed was still drooling. They were walking to the culdesac when they passed the old construction site. Except, it wasn't in construction anymore. It was a brand new culdesac.

"Wait... How did I not notice this?" Eddy said as he stood on the sidewalk. Double D shrugged. "I don't quite know, Eddy. Shall we go introduce ourselves to the group over there?" Double D pointed and sure enough, there was a group of kids there. Eddy shook his head. "Nah. With our luck, that'll probay start some turf war or something. Lets just head home." Eddy began to walk off, followed by Ed and Double D. Unbeknownst to them, the group of kids were following them.

Eddy, who had his headphones in, was leading the other two when he started humming a song. When he got to a certain part in a song, he began to softly sing.

I reserve my right to feel uncomfortable. Reserve my right to be afraid. Make mistakes and I am humbled every step of the way. I want to be a better person, I wanna know the master plan. Cast your stones, cast your judgement. You don't make me who I am.

Double D looked at him curiously. Eddy did have a good voice, but it seems he doesn't want to pursue a career in music. As he was thinking this, the kids had finally caught up with them and stopped in front of them. Eddy looked on with curiosity and took his headphones out of his ears so he could focus on the five kids.

The first one was a boy. He had black hair that was sticking out from under a red backwards baseball hat, like Kevin's hair does. He had a leather jacket, a black shirt, dark jeans, and what looked like steel toe boots. He had the tiny eat bit of stubble on his chin. His blue eyes threw off the entire biker look he attempted to portray. He was clearly the oldest. He looked like he was 17 or 18

The second one was a girl. Her deep chocolate brown eyes matched her hair, which was cut in a pixie girl style. She had a tight black v-neck that showed quite a bit of cleavage. Her jeans seemed a size too small as they hugged her waist. She was shifting back and forth on her roller blades. She wore heavy makeup. She looked like she was 14 or 15

The third was also a girl. She had dirty blonde hair that was tied up in low twin tails. She had a ratty green beanie over her hair. She wore a worn out pink shirt and blue jeans. She had run down skater shoes. She had her skateboard in her hand. She had blue eyes as well. Instead of smirking like the others, she had a scowl that said 'lets get this over with, I hate being anywhere near you people.' She, unlike the first girl, wore no makeup. She looked like she was 15 or 16

The fourth person was a boy. He looked to be about 15. He had a curly mop of black hair. He had a black sweatshirt and a grey shirt. He had ripped black jeans and boots like the first boy.

The last one was a girl. She looked to be about 16. She wore a dress. It was a white dress with lace on the shoulders and around the waist. It also had red sugar skulls all over the dress. She had black leggings underneath and wore black combat boots. She had auburn hair hat was tied back in a high ponytail and hand bangs hanging in her face. Even though she wore the dress, you could tell she was a person you did not want to mess with.

"What're you dorks doing here?" The oldest boy asked. He had a heavy New York accent. Eddy took his bait An responded. "What's it to ya?" The older boy laughed. "The names Alex. This is my crew. Ted" he pointed to the boy with the curly black hair. "Riley" he pointed to the girl with the green beanie. "Jackie" he pointed to the more... Exposed... Girl. "And thats Kailee" he pointed to the girl in the dress. Alex turned back to them. "Now, who're you?" Double D stepped forward right away. "Salutations! My name is Eddward, with two D's! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Ed stepped forwar as well. "I am Ed." He scratched his head and smiled goofily. Alex looked at Eddy. "And what 'bout you, tough guy?" Eddy frowned. "Don't call me that." Alex laughed an turned to the others. "Look like we gots ourselves a smartass ova 'ere!" Most of the group laughed, except for Riley.

"Im not a smartass. I just don't want you giving me pet names and shit." Eddy shrugged off the whole situation. Double D laughed nervously. "This is our friend, Eddy." Alex tilted his head a bit. "Ed, Edd n' Eddy? Your parents decide to name each other the same thing?" Double D nodded. "That's quite correct, although I was not here hen I was born. I lived in-" Alex cut him off. "Yeah, I don't care. Movin' on. We don't want you messin wit' us. So stay outta our way, tough guy." He said, looking straight at Eddy.

"You don't own us. I'm not your slave. I can go wherever the fuck I want. You can't control me, so don't try." Eddy began to walk away. Double D fever entry sent out apologies to the group, and ran after Eddy. Ed followed them as well, of course. Alex smirked. "Looks like Peach Creek won't be so bad after all." He began to laugh and the group, except Riley, joined him. Riley just rolled her eyes and skateboarded home, and the group followed her.

Kay Kay, that's it for today! Oh damn look at me all rhyming and shit. Haha

Ok. That little patch of the song was from A Day To Remember's "Sometimes Your The Hammer, Sometimes Your The Nail" I freaking love that band so much!!!

I should have another chapter up by tomorrow or so. I'm not sure. It depends on what I decide to do, cause I already started writing one. I'm probably gonna have Eddy just keep Damien's car... Eh, whateves.

See you next time, my lovely readers!!

Mmkay. Bai :3

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