Chapter 15

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The next few weeks crawled by. Every night Mother and I watched the recap of the brutal day that had passed. Katniss was always there, alive and well on the screen. She would make it through this. Every night she found a tree to sleep in. She has even formed an alliance with Peeta, the male tribute from our district. Katniss had told me the story of how he had saved our lives with a loaf of bread. He was supposed to throw it out to the pigs, but Peeta tossed it in Katniss' direction, who grabbed it and took it home to feed Mother and I. I will forever be grateful for what she did for us that day.
People died almost everyday of the competition, but my Katniss pushed through. Her old ally, Rue, I think was her name, was killed by the District One male, Marvel. She was about my age, from her looks. She was the oldest of her family. I cried myself to sleep when they showed her dead body on the recap. I can't imagine the way her family must feel right now.
Everyday I helped Mother with the chores and cooking. We went over to the Hawthornes to check up on Hazelle as well. She seemed to be doing much better lately. She was getting around the house all by herself. She had to take frequent rests throughout the day but she was definitely getting stronger.
    As night fell, Mom and I sat together on the squeaky old couch together to watch the day's recap of the Hunger Games. A few tributes were killed today. Tomorrow was the Feast. Only a few tributes were left. Mostly the career tributes were the ones to survive, although some of them were already dead. Katniss had shot the District One male right after he killed Rue.
    Katniss and Peeta were still working together. From what I could tell, Peeta had gotten a very bad infection in his leg, but Katniss was taking care of him. They had found a good hiding place in a cave.
    That night, I dreamed of Katniss winning the Hunger Games and coming back to live with our family again.

The Hunger Games (Told by Primrose Everdeen)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant