Chapter 5

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        I wake up the next morning. Somehow I managed to fall asleep last night. I look beside me, and my mother is still fast asleep. I could see her eyes moving behind her eyelids. I wonder what she was dreaming about. Probably Katniss. 

        I decide to get ready for the day. I get dressed and milk Lady. I still remember the day Katniss brought her home to me. It was my birthday. She was small, and she had an injury, but my mom and I fixed her up. Katniss had tied a little bow around her neck. I was so happy. She was the sweetest little thing. 

        I bring the bucket of milk inside and set it quietly on the counter in the kitchen, so I wouldn't wake my mom. Milking Lady is my main chore, so I don't really have anything else to do. I decide to go outside. I tiptoe to the back door and, as quietly as I can, I crack open the door. It squeaks a little, but I open it all the way. A breeze makes its way inside. I take a deep breath as I step outside and shut the door behind me. It's a beautiful day. The sun shines brightly and a few wispy clouds drift through the air. 

        I don't really know what to do, so I go and sit in the grass in the backyard. Our backyard looks out into the hills and the forest where Katniss and Gale like to hunt. I sigh. Katniss. I wonder what she's doing right now. I hope she's not too worried about the weeks to come. I'm doing plenty of worrying for her. 

        I like being outside. It calms me. Once, Katniss tried to teach me to hunt, but I hated it. I hated seeing the poor animals die. I love animals. Besides Katniss, Buttercup and Lady are my best friends. I didn't have many friends at school. I was quiet and kept to myself most of the time. You never knew if your best friend would be reaped for the Hunger Games. Then they would be gone. 

                                                                   And now she was. 

       I look up into the sky and say a silent prayer for Katniss. I breathe in the fresh, sweet air once again. Lady bleats from her pen. I stand up and walk to her. I reach over the wooden gate to stroke her nose. She bleats again. 

       "You miss her too, huh?" I ask my goat. She looks at me in the eyes, as if to tell me it was going to be okay. I smile. My eyes get watery. I open the gate to Lady's pen, step inside, and shut it behind me. I rub the water from my eyes. I sit down next to Lady and stroke her rough white coat. I lean my head on her back. I think about Katniss and her smile and her warmth. My eyes get watery again. This time, I let the tears fall. 

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