Chapter 11

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          The rest of the week went by in a blur. Every night we watched the recap of the day in the arena. Katniss was still fighting hard. For me. Many more tributes were killed. There was a point during the week when Katniss had passed out from dehydration, scaring me more than a little bit. There was another point during the week, when Katniss had made an ally. The girl was small, and she looked to be about my age. Her skin was a beautiful dark shade and she seemed to be a sweet person. I thought that we would get along if she lived in District 12. 

          Two nights ago was an exciting day in the arena. Katniss had gotten directions from the girl, her soon-to-be ally, to saw down a tracker jacker nest that clung to a tree branch. She did so, and it dropped on the group of the Career tributes, killing a girl. The rest had gotten many bad stings. I was so proud of her! After that, the girl and Katniss became allies. 

           Today was the beginning of the second week of the Hunger Games. The stakes were high. Some of the tributes were itching for their first kill. I could tell. Everyone who was still alive, fought hard. I continued to will Katniss to fight her hardest. 

           It was about noon, and Gale was out hunting for us. Rory was over at our house for the afternoon while Gale hunted. Rory and I sat in the grass in our backyard as the warm sunlight bathed us in its rays. We didn't speak, just lay there silently. I broke the silence. 

          "How have you been, lately?" 

           "As okay as I can be during the Hunger Games, I guess," he replied. I agreed. Silence followed after that. As the sun grew warmer, we did the same. I wiped a trickle of sweat that ran down my forehead. 

             "Whew, it's getting hot. Do you want to go in?" I asked Rory. 

             "Yeah." We got up from our places in the grass, and headed inside. Gale wasn't back yet, so we went to the living room. I switched on the little fan that sat on an end table by the sofa. 

             "Ahhhhhh," I breathed, as the cool breeze blew on my sweaty face. Rory came up next to me to get some breeze, too. 

             "That's nice," he said. "Watch this." Rory spoke a few words into the fan and his voice sounded funny and warped. I giggled. 

              "My name is Primrose Everdeen and I'm twelve years old," I said into the fan, just as Rory had. It was Rory's turn to laugh. We went back and forth, taking turns to speak into the fan, and then cracking up afterwards. 

                Just then, Gale walked into the front door, two rabbits hanging from his belt. We both turned at the sound of the front door opening and the look on Gale's face. We burst into laughter. 

               "Whatcha guys doing?" he asked, closing the door behind him. 

               "We're talking to the fan," said Rory. "It's fun." 

                "Looks like it." Rory and I spent the remainder of the afternoon talking into the fan as the breeze cooled our faces. We just laughed and laughed at ourselves. Gale prepared dinner for us in the kitchen. I was actually happy. 




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