About the bases

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So as I said before, I may or may not be keeping those renditions. Some of them I don't really like that much, but for now since I cannot continue them, I will be posting the "finished" ones here. If you do plan on using them, you don't HAVE to keep the watermark there, you can use that space for other things instead, but do not claim the base art as your own, I may not like all of them, but I spent hours on them so please be considerate. That being said, I only got half of them done, the Mudwing, Sandwing, Skywing, Seawing and Rainwing. The rest have not been started on. Sorry. But here the rest are. So ya. Enjoy.

PS: I'm sorry they're kinda blurry, I don't know why it does that. I tried messing with the size of the pictures, but that only made it worse so, sorry, but I don't think I can fix it.

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