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Dear Readers,

I have continuously been blown away by support I have received on this site. Before I took a (very long) break I was blown away, and in coming back I am speechless.

In the time that I have been gone, I've gotten married, moved to a new state, and five weeks ago gave birth to the most precious little girl. My life had gotten so hectic that I lost sight of why I love to write.

I have to admit, when writing becomes more chore than choice, I will always take a break. I almost always reignite my passion and restart after a bit of time.

That said, I am back! If you're reading this my goal and plan for this specific story is to  continue where I left off and help you (hopefully) fall in love with these characters all over again.

Thank you for sticking by this story, for voting for it, for telling me to take my time, and for caring for the characters!

Love to all,


CEASELESSLY (J. HALE)Where stories live. Discover now