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The suburban neighborhoods in Toronto were always bustled with noise in the summer. Obviously because schools were out and kids were so exited to get outside in the sun and go in the pool and do any activities they couldn't really do during the school year, so everyone was awake and happy as could be, well almost everyone.

Beep Beep Be-

Gwen Ingrid a 17 year old girl fresh out of high schools the former reality TV star still figuring out what she really wants to do in life.

"Gwen it's 11:30 get up sweetheart". A woman shouted from downstairs.

Gwen arose out of bed her black and blue hair in a rats nest and wearing a black pajama set. She stretched and yawned getting out of bed to go downstairs.

"Lazy". Her little brother Henry rolled his eyes.

"Henry be nice". A man said reading the paper.

"Morning Sleepy head". The woman kissed her head.

"Morning Mom, Dad. Henry". She rolled her eyes at her brothers name.

"Gwen you want breakfast?". The woman asked.

"Not right now". Gwen responded before heading upstairs back to her bedroom.

Once in her bedroom Gwen went to her dresser to grab her clothes but caught eye of a certain picture on top of her dresser. The picture was a picture of her and a boy with an ugly green mohawk. "Ugh why do I still have this picture". Gwen grumbled and threw it in the trash which shattered on impact but as she looked back to her dresser she noticed another picture that was covered by the previous one she just threw in the trash. This picture was her with a boy with gorgeous black hair and a guitar.

Gwen stared at the picture and picked it up rubbing her thumb over the glass that kept the photo in place. She stared at the photo for a while before coming back to reality. "No". She said throwing the photo in the trash making the glass shatter into the tiniest unfixable little pieces.

Gwen grabbed her clothes and stormed into the bathroom leaving the very picture just as shattered as the glass of the picture frame.

The Midnight Guitarist- A Gwent StoryWhere stories live. Discover now