Letters From Afghanistan - Chapter 6

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I tugged nervously on the hem of my dress as I glanced in the mirror for what must be the hundredth time tonight. Lisa, Chloe and Emma had taken me dress shopping a few days ago, and although I fell in love with the dress, I was starting to have second thoughts now that I was actually about to go out wearing it.

The dress was a dark purple satin which made my already pale skin look almost white in contrast. The neckline wasn’t too low cut and the straps stopped me worrying about it falling down mid dance. But even though the dress would be considered ankle-length compared to many girls’ dresses these days, mid-thigh was still a far cry from the jeans I’ve been used to wearing the past year.

Just as I was considering changing into leggings and a long top, the doorbell rang ending any hope of wearing something more comfortable. Gripping the banister, I grumbled under my breath as I gingerly walked down the stairs. I hadn’t worn heels in years, and it was blatantly obvious.

The doorbell continued to ring, and I couldn’t help but smile at Lisa’s impatience. It had taken me hours to persuade her not to come round early and help me get ready. I knew she meant well, but if I’d let her do my make-up it would be more than I would ever be comfortable wearing.

As soon as I opened the door, I barely had a chance to look at them before they pulled me into a hug.

“Oh my god, you look gorgeous Hales!” Lisa screamed in my ear.

“I’m surprised you even had a chance to look at me” I laughed.

They all released me from the hug and took a step back, scanning me up and down. Lisa was the first to reply.

“No, I was right. You look absolutely stunning. Seriously, why don’t you dress up more often? You’d have all the guys of England crawling after you.”

“Thanks, but that’s exactly why I don’t. You know attention makes me feel uncomfortable.”

“Only because you’re not used to it, what you need is a hot guy to show you what you’ve been missing.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but luckily Emma beat me to it. “Come on Lisa, leave her alone. Tonight is supposed to be about us going out together and having fun. Besides, we’re supposed to be protecting her from all the men at Rizzo’s, not throwing her at them.”

“Sorry, I got carried away again. You know I worry about you being here alone at night. Anyway, can we come in? It’s freezing out here.”  Lisa held up a bottle of wine and I smiled, stepping back to let them come inside. The high cost of drinks in pubs and clubs has made it tradition for them to pre drink. Not that they buy many anyway as they are never one to turn down free drinks from guys.

“I’m not on my own now that I have Jasper.” I pointed to the living room, “Go sit down and I’ll get the glasses.”

As soon as I opened the kitchen door, Jasper was all over me. Not surprising since I had to shut him in here while I got ready. Despite his timid start, he’s now always barking at the door whenever someone comes by.

After I grabbed the wine glasses, I let him walk with me into the living room. I smiled as he ran up to the girls wagging his tail. He’s always shy and nervous around new people, but after them visiting a few times since I got him, he’s grown to trust them. Now he loves it when they’re round as they always give him lots of fuss and attention.

“So,” Emma started as I was pouring out the wine, “Have you heard anything from this soldier guy you’ve been writing to?”

“Not yet.” I grabbed my wine and after slipping my heels off I tucked my legs beside me on the armchair. “It’s only been five days since I posted my letter. It usually takes him three or four weeks to reply.”

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