-red- (bedrock bros)

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Heyo! This is AU if tommy were to have died the first time l'manberg got blown up by wilbur
TW:death, self blame, weapons, ghosts, swearing, stuttering, mentions of exiling
"Let me tell you a story tommy" techno spoke, voice calm, but it held the crave of violence. "Stay -stay still" tommy scowled "the story of a man call Theseus, his country was in danger, he sent himself forward to enemy line, he slayed the minotaor, and saved his city, you know what they did to him tommy? They exiled him. He died in disgrace, thats what happens to hero's tommy. But if you want be a hero, tommy" he glared at his brother,dry laughter bubbling from him."THEN DIE LIKE ONE" he created withers, laughing as they fought, died, and screamed in fear. "TECHNOBLADE, TECH-TECHNO PLEASE PLEASE HELP-" tommy screamed as he found himself fighting a wither alone, tommy was alone.

Shit. The wither was successful, far passed what he wanted to happen, planned to happen. Sure, that plan was made on the spot but well-thought out.

<tommyinnit withered away whilst trying to escape technoblade>

It was his fault.
he wouldn't have lost both his brothers in the same hours, no he didn't mean for that to happen. He rushed over trying to save tommy but his effort were found useless, chat screamed for blood, albit wither don't bleed but that will be suffice.  The wither went with a fight but it was now dead ash, his knees buckled under him, as he held back tears.

Ghostbur had spoke to techno about bringing a friend, speaking that he won't try to or hurt anyone. He trusted ghostbur albit that time the ghost of his dead brother had told the butcher army where he was. He had moved to the snow filled biome, as he was wanted by L'manberg.

There was a knock at the door, including a sigh, he closed his book and pulled his glass down, letting them hang.  He stood and went to the door."Hallo" he greeted "hi technoblade, I brought that friend i told you about" the ghost cheered "hm, that's lovely ghostbur, where is he?" Techno raised an eyebrow at the ghost who wasn't paying attention, said ghost dodging snow flakes. "Boo!" He was startled by the voice in which sounded painfully familiar, he nearly broke seeing his youngest brothers ghost giggling seeing him in such a state,"what? You look like you saw a ghost" he grinned, hands covering his mouth, where a smirk  was lurking. Flipping upside down, smile now seen as a frown, "you- you died" techno rasped, tommy huffed, annoyance crossing his face, mouth puffed into a pout with arms cross against his chest"that not very nice, but he has alot of good memories of you, bad ones too. Like one time you told him to die!" The ghost cheered, once again right-side up, floating around. "Can i come technoblade?" Oh right ghostbur was there "yeah, does- does phil know about.." he trailed off hoping the ghost would catch on, but unfortunately he didn't "about what?" Ghostbur tiled his head "a bout tommy.." "oi prick! It's ghostinnit now!.." the ghost pulled out what looked to be ghostburs blue, though the color was red "its red, takes all the mad away!" He was now gleeful, happy. But there was the hollow feeling the of where the boys alive self held in his smile, the smile was an empty shell. It doesn't hold the contagious joys the living ones smile did. The ghost could not bring laughter into a room by walking in, telling a joke as if the world held no weight on his shoulders. But it was his fault the boys smile was shallow, empty without meaning or purpose. "Right... well do you want anything to eat or.." both the ghosts giggled, "silly technoblade" ghostbur started "we can't eat we're ghosts, dumbass" the other ghost finished, forgot about that. "Cringe" he joked, tommy elected to ignore techno as the ghost went though his stuff. Techno huffed, tommy snatched a gapple from a chest "hey, don't eat my gapple supply" he warned. However the ghost had others plans as he took a bite from the gapple, dull and dark blue eyes locked with icy blue ones. "Just did bit-ch, what cha gonna do? I'm a ghost. Can't hit me" he grinned, setting beside the fire, watching with Admiration as the light danced, with no care nor Regard for what was around it. He sighed walking over sitting on the couch, once again going to his book. And if the ghost somehow fell a sleep on his shoulder then that is for them to know.

791 words.

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