17. Message

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Deciding to ride the train on their way home, Y/n didn't even bother to take Wonjin's head off of her shoulder as he look soundly asleep, he looks peaceful as if it was his nature.

He's a whole new different person from whom she met before. It's like she's not even with the guy who threw a punch on her face from last time, or maybe this was the real him? Those were the questions she asked herself, probably all of the time.

It was currently 6 pm, and all she had to do now was take Wonjin home and head home herself.

She was also getting used of this kind of rotation. The rotation of her protecting him when it should be the opposite, she had no idea what's happening if this continues either.

A few more minutes the train had finally arrived.

"Wonjin," she called, shaking him before he finally fluttered his eyes open, meeting her eyes shortly before looking away, still sleepy.

"let's go," she said, holding his hands firmly as she dragged him out of the train, looking like a Mom when even though she's the younger one between the both of them.

Wonjin on the other hand didn't care about looking childish as he followed her steps.

"who was that guy from earlier? You seemed to knew about them a lot," he started the conversation, making the girl sigh down in response, finding the ground interesting.

"no one," she shrugged off, putting her hand inside her coat, still holding Wonjin's hand to keep it warm as the boy could only blush.

He felt stupid for feeling that way but this seems pretty comfortable, and he terribly knows how gay this might look like in others eyes.

Everything just had turn the opposite.

The atmosphere between the both of them was again suddenly filled with silence, no one dared to talk and no one even dared to break the ice as it took almost an hour before they finally arrived at Wonjin's front gate.

"go on," she said, gesturing for him to enter the gate as Wonjin turn around to face her once again.

He then darted his eyes over the dark space of the street Y/n is gonna walk with in order to get home as sudden anxiety filled his presence.

"should I walk you home too?" he asked, eyes anticipating in answers as he scoot closer to her, eventually making the younger lean back upon him almost closing the gap.

"you crazy!? That would be a waste of time, now go!" she said, grabbing his shoulders, turning him around before pushing him towards the gate.

Wonjin then glance again from behind, facing her for a moment as he open the gate. Basically, he was worried, it's not like she can't fight bag guys but it's literally almost 7 in the evening and she's a girl.

"get inside," she added, gesturing a movement in her hand as Wonjin was left no choice but to obey, opening the gate enough for him to fit in before walking away.

As soon as his figure faded, Y/n then glance on the cold ground, heaving a sigh before feeling her phone buzzing inside her pocket.

Puzzled upon seeing the unknown number, Y/n immediately tapped the message icon before reading the complete text message.

✉️| Unknown Number : leave him alone, you don't want to get involve inside this family's problematic nature, wouldn't you?

Knitting her brows, confusion hit her as she closed the app. Although she had no clue on what was going on inside his family, she couldn't help herself but to get worried.

Looking around and gladly saw no one, Y/n finally decided to just walk off the neighbourhood before her brother could call and look for her all night and post her as a missing person.

But who could it be? Even her herself can't tell who.

On the other hand, a car was parked not too far from the Ham's residence gate, his fingers tapping against the wheel as he closed the message app on his phone, staring at the girl who was now walking away.

Right then his phone rang, flashing someone's contact as he sigh down and took the phone call, putting the phone speaker near her ear.

"Woojun? Where are you?" she asked.

"I'm on my home," he flashed a small smile before adding another word. "Mom," he said.

Meanwhile, Y/n couldn't help but to kick some pebbles on her way home, trying to think something off her head since it had been bothering her a lot lately. Stopping upon a memory of Wonjin's smile and pout crosses her mind, her eyes immediately widened as she hardly hit her head, cursing.

"stupid idiot! You seriously need to get a therapy!" she said to herself before ignoring those innocent pebbles she was murdering seconds ago as she increased her pace upon walking.

"yah! Where have you been?" someone suddenly asked out of nowhere, making her shriek at the sudden voice. Looking up, she meet Yubin's face, holding the flashlight of his phone under his chin, looking like a dead person.

Finally noticing it was her brother, she breathed in relief since she was about to give him a punch on the face.

Seemed like he was out to look for her, again.

"you brat! Why did you have to put your flashlight like that!?" she loudly asked, heart still beating rapidly upon the sudden jumpscare as she took his phone and turn off the light. "where are you heading?" she asked.

"looking for you of course," he said, shrugging before clinging on his sister's arm as if his life defend on it, acting scared all of a sudden. "I think there's a ghost inside our house," he said, tightening his hug.

His older sister only gave him a look of the-fuck-are-you-even-talking-about before walking, with him still clinging on her arms.

"I'm serious!" he shouted, faking a cry as Y/n could only roll her eyes in response, not giving a damn fuck about those stuffs.

"just shoo them away, I don't care!" she said.

"aren't you scared of them though?! They look hideous," he reasoned out, still crying.

"they're dead, I'm alive and I can punch people," she nagged back out of stress.

A/N: been wanting to make a new imagine, book cover is ready but my mind won't help me and don't even want to cooperate with my shits :(

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