A Performance on Display

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After long hours of Papal duties, Copia was glad to finally take off his shoes and relax within his own apartment. As Papa, he had the biggest suite - only rivaled by that of Sister Imperator's. As the Emeritus brothers before him and Papa Nihil had passed all within a short time that coincided with his being named Papa, the Ministry collectively decided to renovate the floors where their apartments had been. This eased Copia's mind that his suite was completely free from their ghosts in his mind. The size of the Papal Suite did not grow any but everything, including furniture, was brand new.

His main worry about moving into the Papal Suite had been following Terzo. That man, admittedly extremely attractive, lived a lifestyle that grossed Copia out. He didn't like to think of inheriting a sofa or a table or hell-forbid a bed from that man. There was no amount of cleaning that could appease Copia's psyche from that notion.

Copia walked through to his mini kitchen and grabbed a drink from his fridge. Taking it with him, he went to his bedroom and shut the door. Sister Imperator and a few select Ghouls had the key to his apartment but only he had access to his bedroom. That is, unless he invited someone in, but that has not happened yet.

He took a drink, placed it on his nightstand, and started to undress. He draped his jacket over the top of a chair and unbuttoned his shirt as he strode over to look out the window. His bedroom had a view that encompassed the cemetery where he was the night before, the woods that surrounded it, and the road leading up to the Ministry buildings.

He just got his shirt completely unbuttoned when he noticed his stranger at the edge of the woods near the cemetery. The man was clearly watching the building and Copia had an idea that he was specifically watching him. The pale moonlight would make him visible to the stranger below. He smirked and decided to give the man something worth watching.

He pulled his shirt off of his shoulders to expose more of his chest and slowly ran his fingers down his body. One hand traced circles over his stomach while the other went to a hardened nipple. His nimble fingers tugged and twisted in the familiar way in which he has always teased himself. His pants were getting tighter.

The figure had not moved since he spotted him. Copia had a short-lasted doubt that the man could even see him. Of course he could, the moon was not yet full but it cast a light that would make his pale torso visible in the night. On top of that, the curtains were completely pulled back.

He stopped circling his stomach and opened his pants with one hand. He pushed them down a little so they'd hug his hips. His dark gray boxer-briefs were the only thing left in his way. But he refrained from tugging those down. He was always one for the dramatic.

He fingered himself through the fabric causing him to bite his lip to keep a moan in. He thought back to the night before. He had agonizingly teased himself to climax after seeing the man. He had barged right past Imperator and went straight to his room where he immediately undressed. He had used a vibrator then.. Which he remembered still needs to be cleaned.

There was no stigma against Papas taking a lover. Hell, Terzo proved that on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis. Copia had not taken one yet. He either always felt too busy or like he couldn't live up to Terzo's bedroom legacy. So why bother? He knew what he liked and he could please himself just fine. But this man... Something about him awoke something deep within Copia's loins.

He looked out to confirm the stranger was still there. He was. The moon caught his mask and Copia could see the dark holes where the man's eyes were watching. He seemed inhuman with that mask on. Is that how Copia appeared when he wore his Papal face paint?

He tried to see the man's body. If there was any indication of a reaction from him. It was too far to tell. He wondered if he was performing for nothing. No, it wasn't for nothing. He was certainly enjoying himself. Literally.

Copia had enough of his teasing and reached his hand into his boxer-briefs. His eyes shut on their own accord as he deftly squeezed and tugged the right parts. He shivered forwards and leant his head against the glass pane. He pinched and twisted his nipple hard enough to hurt and he held it there. He knew from experience that it would be bruised tomorrow. He would enjoy that. He was panting through his mouth, his breath leaving fog against the cold glass. He squeezed harder. It was hard to stay standing upright when his legs started trembling. He climaxed sooner than he would have liked. Right in his underwear. That was going to be an unpleasant mess to clean up.

His eyes fluttered open and the man was gone. He wondered when he had left. Hopefully it wasn't before the finale there. Copia had taken a little bit of time to recover his breathing and bask in the afterglow of a climax before opening his eyes.

He had a feeling he'd see him again. Possibly the next night?

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