An Outsider in the Black Mass

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Copia's dreams were consumed. The masked man, Michael, was in all of them. Some of the dreams were sexy, others were terrifying. There seemed to be no differentiating line as one kind blurred into the other. He slept straight through the night and was harshly awakened in the morning.

"Hell below!" A noise of someone hastily turning on their heel followed the exclamation.

Copia woke up from the sudden noise. He was in bed, just as Michael had left him: shirtless, with his pants around his thighs, and lying ass-up. He covered himself with the blanket in a panic. Who had just walked in and saw his bare ass?

"Copia, I never expected the need to have this talk with you but if your night activities are of that kind, please close- and perhaps lock- your bedroom door!" Sister Imperator's voice came from around the doorway. "Even Terzo followed this simple decency! Granted the perimeter for him extended to the whole suite."

"Uh.. Sister.." Copia blundered out of embarrassment. "What are you doing here?"

"You forgot? You have a mass, C. I'm dropping off your repaired mitre. If those damn Ghouls ruin it again, I'm taking names."

"They're Nameless Ghouls, Sister."

She humphed. "In English, maybe." She followed up with a muttered "They have names in their native demon tongue."

He pulled up his pants and made himself decent. "What time is it?"

"Late enough, mass starts in half an hour. Does your night-guest need to leave yet? Or were you.. alone?"

His face reddened, "already left during the night."

"Ah, she wanted to avoid the 'walk-of-shame' - as I've heard it's called."

"Um, well HE might have had early plans for today. And um, I think 'walk-of-shame' is actually pretty derogatory towards women."

"Oh, well I won't use that phrase then. I'll also scold the Ghoul I've learned it from."

"Lay off the Ghouls, Sister. Please." Copia gathered his clothes off the floor and threw them in the laundry bin.

"Why? Was one of them who you've been grabby-grabby with last night?"

"No, and please don't call it that."

"You'd rather hear me say sex?"

"I'd rather you didn't talk about sex at all. It's kind of unsettling."

"Why? Because Nihil and I used to be partners?"

He shivered, "don't remind me of that." He then walked awkwardly to the ensuite bathroom. "Well, I'll freshen up a bit and meet you just before mass, yeah?"

"Yes, I'd imagine you have to take a shower after..." she trailed off.

He rolled his eyes, and slowly said "goodbye Sister." Did she talk this way to Terzo when he had an overnight guest? Well, granted, Copia's guest wasn't overnight. He wouldn't have expected snarky comments from her about him having any kind of sexual interest in someone.

He started the shower and tried not to take too long. A quick cleanse and nothing more. When he got out, he could still see himself in the bathroom mirror. The steam hadn't had enough time to fog it completely. He turned for his towel and caught a glimpse of a bruise on his hip from where Michael had held him. A small grin formed on his face and stayed there the entirety of getting dressed.

He walked to mass quickly and went through the door to the backroom. Sister Imperator and two server Ghouls were waiting for him.

"Are we ready?" He asked them.

"Yes," Sister Imperator straightened his stole. "Try not to stutter."

"I don't stutter," Copia muttered under his breath as he turned to go out into the chapel. The two Ghouls followed on his heel.

"All rise," Copia inwardly smirked as he called out to the siblings and Ghouls that had gathered. The one fun part of doing mass was that it felt like a big game of Simon Says, and he was always Simon.

He started the black mass as normal but became immediately nervous as soon as he had the siblings sit back down in their pews. The Man was in the back of the chapel. No one else seemed to have noticed him.

Copia glanced to where Sister Imperator had chosen to sit. She was near the front to the far right. She most likely wouldn't notice Michael unless she turned around while everyone was sitting.

What would she do if she see him? An outsider within the walls of the Ministry?

Every member of the church is either a sibling or higher rank, or a Ghoul. Those who have not yet joined are limited to certain buildings. This chapel, along with the apartment that Copia lives in are Clergy-only buildings.

She would probably kick him out and up the security around Clergy buildings. Maybe even ban him. If Copia told her that The Man was his night visitor, that might not even help.

He stumbled on his words and saw Imperator shake her head in disappointment. There wasn't a reaction from anyone else when he slipped up.

He looked back at The Man. A chill went down his spine. He kept thinking "Not here! Not here! Please, not here!"

There was a twinge of arousal that he tried to will away. This was NOT the time and place. He managed to not slip up again but just barely. His hands were sweating inside his gloves and his robes felt extremely heavy.

A part in the sermon was coming up where Sister Imperator goes to the podium and reads an excerpt from the Satanic Bible. He glared at The Man and willed him to leave. This was not going to be good.

Copia knew his visitor was only watching him. He slowly nodded his head towards the confessional booth in the back of the room. It should be easy for him to sneak into the booth without anyone noticing.

Thank Hell! Copia sighed in relief as Michael slipped away out of sight just as Imperator was stepping up to the podium. She gave him a weird side-glance as she passed him. He tried giving a lighthearted grin but then realized that might be more suspicious than not reacting at all.

The rest of the mass went excruciatingly slow but luckily, unhindered. Copia regained his composure for the most part. Finally, it was time to dismiss them all.

As the Ghouls were following the siblings out the chapel doors, Sister Imperator crossed the room to Copia with a stern look on her face.

His stomach dropped.

"Copia. A word?"

Come Back to Haunt Me Once Again (Copia x Michael Myers)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora