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"We're here." Randy said, lightly shaking me awake.

I slowly rose and hopped out of the car, retrieving my suitcase and bag from Randy.

Randy and I had an intense fuck session, and when I say intense, I mean it. I'd rather not go into detail, but let's just say that I'm a lot more flexible than I thought. Sadly, I only had a few moments to savor the best orgasm of my life before I fell into a deep sleep.

Now, Randy and I were walking into the hotel, a thick silence laying on us. I waited by the elevator while Randy fetched the room keys. He walked over and waited with me. I wanted to glance at him so bad, but I couldn't.

Before I could act, the elevator arrived. Randy and I shuffled in, Randy hitting the '15' button. He stood with his arms crossed, staring at me with an unreadable expression.

"You still tired?" He suddenly questioned.

"Not really, why?"

Randy finally put on his signature smirk. "I was thinking we could go for round two."

I chuckled, running a hand through my distraught hair.

"I'll take that as a no." Randy said.

I struggled to contain my grin as Randy looked annoyed. He must really need some action. Too bad, he wasn't getting it from me.

We finally arrived on our floor, Randy leading the way since he knew the room number. He quickly unlocked the door and went inside, leaving me standing in the hallway with confusion written on my face.

"Randy, what are you doing?" I questioned, not wanting to enter the room.

"Getting ready for bed, which is what you should be doing."

I entered the room and found Randy searching through his suitcase for something.

"Where's my room?" I asked, looking for another set of keys.

Randy stood, his hand clutching light grey sweatpants.

"We share a room." Randy simply said as if it were common knowledge.

"Wait what?!"

Randy sighed, "If we travel together, we room together. That's the way it works."

I glanced worriedly around the room, happy to find another queen size bed next to Randy's. Putting my heavy suitcase on the soft pillow top, I searched for something comfortable to wear to bed.

Smiling, I found a light coral slip that had once belonged to my mother. She had outgrown it during her two pregnancies, which resulted in my younger sister and brother. But that's another story.

I absentmindedly stripped myself of the night's outfit, and replaced it with this intimate piece that would surely get the mood going in the right circumstance.

"You shouldn't do that." Randy said from behind me.

"Do what?" I questioned.

"Tease me. It's not fair."

I grinned, zipping my suitcase and putting it on the floor. Pulling back the covers, I snuggled into the warm bed. Randy stood, grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips, struggling to close his suitcase.

"How do you have more clothes than I do? I thought females were supposed to pack heavy." I joked.

Randy sighed, finally closing the large suitcase. "Certain shirts go with certain jeans, some colors don't look good together, blah blah blah..."

"That's really interesting, but I need sleep. Don't keep me up, playboy." I said, closing my eyes.

Randy finally shut the light off and allowed me some peace and quiet. I smiled as the large, brown comforters enveloped me. Who knew hotel beds could be so comfortable?


"What?" I whispered back, not bothering to open my eyes.

"Can we cuddle?"

I groaned. This is exactly what I didn't want.

"No, Randy."


"Randy, I'm going to kick your balls off if you keep this up."

I waited for a response, but ended up falling asleep.

* * *

Waking up at seven in the morning wasn't exactly what I had in mind. But the sooner I can get home, the better.

There was a warm, strong feeling around my waist, and I couldn't figure out exactly what it was. It was like a seatbelt was holding me down, stopping me from leaving the bed.

I turned over, only to find myself enveloped by another human. Strong arms held me in what seemed like a hug, head resting next to mine. Our legs were intertwined with each other's, leaving me completely defenseless.

Oh my god.

I mentally face palmed as I realized that it was Randy. Bastard must have slipped in while I was asleep.

Feeling frisky, I leaned in, planting a soft kiss on Randy's lips. Out of nowhere, Randy had me pinned beneath him, his lips attacking mine with pent up lust. I was shocked, but the sparks that I'm feeling right now are too good to ignore.

"Well good morning to you too." I said, breathless as I pulled away.

"So I was thinking. We should definitely go for round two." Randy said, smirking.

I grinned, "Is that so?"

"I think it is."

I leaned back in and continued the kiss, this time teasing Randy by grabbing his manhood. He of course got aroused, but sadly had nothing to do with his excitement. I slipped out from under him, smirking as I entered the bathroom.

"Oh Claire, you're gonna be the death of me." Randy groaned.

"That's the idea." I yelled back, putting toothpaste on my toothbrush.

Little did he know that our time together was about to end.

* * *

WrestleMania was fucking amazing. I'm so proud of Seth. He deserved it more than Roman. (Sorry not sorry <3)




Till next time!

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