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Monday Night Raw - Denver, Colorado


Randy vs Seth was set for Extreme Rules. Randy can't use the RKO, and it's a Steel Cage match. Now I just had to wait for my title match with Nikki to be official.

"Hey, do you know if Stephanie is busy right now?" I asked Randy as we sat in his locker room.

"No idea." Randy simply replied.

Things have been pretty weird since Friday. Randy hasn't spoken about the whole "I love you" thing, and boy, am I glad. I think he knows that I didn't mean it, and instead of causing a fight, he just ignores it.

"I'll be back."

I wandered around backstage, finally arriving at Stephanie's office after a few conversations. Lightly knocking, I waited for her response before entering.

"What is it, Claire? Is everything alright?" Stephanie questioned, glasses sitting on her nose as she read over papers.

"Yeah, I just wanted to run something by you, something that would definitely help wrestlers like me." I said, sitting across from her.

"Proceed." She said, removing her glasses and giving me her attention.

* * *

I left Steph's office satisfied. She agreed to my idea! Things are going to change drastically after Extreme Rules, all thanks to me.

I entered Randy's locker room with a huge smile on my face and a little pep in my step.

"What are you so happy about?" Randy questioned, smirking at my happy nature.

"I just got the okay on something big. It's going to change everything." I proudly proclaimed.

"Congrats. What is it?"

"I can't tell. You won't know until Extreme Rules like everyone else." I teased, sitting next to Randy on the couch.

Randy looked at me questionably. "Really?"

I nodded.

"What if it happened to slip out?" Randy said, his large beginning to tickle my sensitive sides and stomach.

I giggled and moved frantically, desperately wanting Randy to stop. My hands playfully hit his chest as he climbed above me, a smile on his face as our eyes connected.

"R-Randy, please!" I shouted.

My hands reached up to his face and brought it down, our lips connecting. Thankfully, Randy stopped his tickling, but I just ignited a fire that probably couldn't be put out.

I ran my hands down Randy's exposed back as his lips attacked mine. I felt Randy's hands caressing my thighs, adding to the fire.

"It's been so long." Randy said as his fingers fiddled with the zipper of my bell bottom jeans.

"Dude, its only been a few days, chill out." I said, giggling.

As soon as Randy unzipped my jeans, a stage hand interrupted us.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Uhh, Claire is needed for her segment with The Bella's." He quickly said before shuffling out of the room.

"We'll finish this later, gypsy." Randy said before standing from the couch.

I stood and exited the room, zipping my jeans as I made my way to the gorilla. My eyes flickered up from my jeans, finding Cena also backstage. He had bruises on his cheek and a black eye. Once he realized that he was staring, his eyes averted away from me.

"I would say something, but I don't want your predator to attack me again." Cena said, his eyes not connecting with mine.

"So you're scared of Orton now?" I questioned, smirking even though he couldn't see me.

"Something like that." John joked.

I laughed before crossing the curtain.

Nikki and Brie were doing the same old thing, cutting 'promos' about how they're better than everyone else and whatever. I rolled my eyes as I made my way to the ring, grabbing a mic from Jillian.

"I'm not out here to insult you guys, that's for children. I just wanted to tell you, Nikki, that our match is official. This Sunday at Extreme Rules, I will face you for your title." I announced to the rowdy crowd.

"That's nice and all, really it is, but I think you interrupted my sister and I." Brie said from Nikki's side.

"I just couldn't hold it in anymore, Brie. I apologize if I offended either of you." I said sincerely.

They both gave me weird looks, but Nikki nodded.

"It's fine. Now get out of my ring!" Nikki said sternly.

I put my hands up in defense before turning around, one leg across the ropes before I was hit from behind. I fell to the mat as four hands attacked my body. After a few seconds they stopped, but I could feel myself being lifted onto Nikki's shoulders. She dropped to her knees, sending a wave of pain through my body.

"See you Sunday, Claire." Nikki said before throwing the mic at my head.

A loud static went through the arena as it bounced off my head. I now had a major headache and unbearable pain in my back. Two referees appeared and asked if I needed help, but I declined.

I slowly stood, balancing my weight once I was safely on my feet. I grabbed the mic that Nikki threw at me and leaned against the ropes.

"Nikki....Brie...wherever you two are, I want you to know that I will destroy what you two have built. I will destroy the new standard you've built for females coming into this company. I will destroy the 'Bella Legacy'. Come Sunday, you two will be nothing more than a distant, forgotten memory."

I threw the mic down and wobbled backstage, Randy meeting me at the curtain.

"You alright?" He questioned, his hand resting on my back as he directed me to the trainer's office.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't understand why she had to do that. My apology was sincere." I said, entering the room.

Randy lifted me up and placed me on the examine table. I tried lying down, but Randy quickly stopped me.

"Don't lay down. You might screw something up with your head." He said sweetly.

I smiled at him as the trainers entered the room. One of them checked my head, ensuring that I was okay, and let me go.

Randy and I walked out together, and he immediately put his lips on mine. We backed into a wall, and without a care in the world, continued making out.

I heard a throat clearing, but didn't pay it any mind. Randy and I ignored it the second time around, causing the person to sigh heavily.


We quickly pulled apart, finding Sam standing there with her arms crossed. I noticed a pair of small shoes behind Sam's, and knew that Alanna was with her.

Oh god.

* * *




Till next time!

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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