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Hey guys! I'm sorry for that this chapter took so long! I had a lot of difficulties concerning my computer and such, and the first version of this chapter was lost so i ended up writing a completely different version of the chapter xD. I think it was for the best though ^_^. Not many people follow this story, but as long as there's even one follower, I'll keep writing! Haha i guess it sounds kinda cheesy, but it's true :).  

Chapter 2: Encounter

 Levy was now at her home in Fairy Hills getting ready to meet with Lucy at the Guild like she had told Gajeel. Gajeel……the very name gave Levy shivers and made her blush as she remembered what happened between them after they finished training.

“I can’t believe that actually happened!”, Levy shouted feeling confused with how she felt. “I-I...h-he….ugh!!! Why did he do that?! I still can’t wrap my head or feelings around what that jerk was about to do! Wait….feelings? I-I feel nothing when it comes to Gajeel”, she said annoyed with herself but could still feel her face heat up and blush. Suddenly, the image of Gajeel in the rain, on top of her came back to her, “No no no!!! I don’t feel like that! I DO NOT like him! He was probably just playing around with me, that jerk!”, Levy kept shouting at herself while forgetting why she was changing clothes. “Oh I completely forgot! I have to meet Lu-chan! I’m sooo late, I hope she didn’t get angry and left!”

Levy finished getting ready and left her home to walk towards the guild, but then, she thought she could hear a man’s voice. “This voice, it sounds familiar…”, Levy said as she got closer to where she was hearing the familiar voice. She looked at one of the trees ahead of her and she saw someone sitting on the ground with their back laid against the tree. When she realized who it was, “Gajeel!”, Levy thought to herself, knowing that if she said anything, Gajeel’s keen ears would pick it up.

“I need to see and talk to her...”, Gajeel said as Levy was listening in on him.

“Is he talking about me? There’s no way, right?”, Levy thought to herself.

“Wasn’t she supposed to meet with cheerleader girl soon?”, Gajeel said, making Levy realize that he WAS talking about her.

“Why is he here waiting for me? Did he maybe plan to apologize for what he almost did?”, Levy struggled with herself. “Well I don’t plan to take any chances”, Levy thought to herself, but knowing that the real reason was that she wasn’t mentally prepared to face him and neither was her heart. Even now, she could feel her heart beating way faster than normal. “Why am I so worked up over his words? Do I want to talk to him? I don’t know if I really can…. Why does he make me feel this way?! I-I….can it be? Do I actually like…Gajeel?”, Levy thought while stepping back a little, her heart wanting to burst out her chest. She could feel her legs trembling and she wanted to run, but she couldn’t move. “Why me?...”, Levy accidentally whispered and as if by instinct, Gajeel rapidly turned to face Levy at the sound of her voice.

“Shrimp….you’re here? How long have you been standing there?”, Gajeel said as he stood up and walked towards Levy. Levy faced down to not show her face full of embarrassment.

“Are you okay, shorty?”, Gajeel asked with a voice filled with worry.

“S-stand back…”, Levy whispered as she tried to move, but still couldn’t move a muscle.

“Huh?”, Gajeel said as he tried to understand why Levy was acting so weird, still moving towards Levy.

“I-I said stay away!”, Gajeel froze at the surprising reaction that Levy had. Levy immediately realized how she had yelled at him and instantly felt bad, but she couldn’t stop now. Levy prepared to run, but Gajeel instantly ran towards her to prevent her from leaving. “I said stay back!”, Levy formed a fighting pose rapidly. “Solid Script: Fire!”, Levy attacked Gajeel with her magic without holding back, just to not face him.

“Agh!”, Gajeel wasn’t able to dodge the attack as they were in close range of each other and he fell to the ground.

“Solid Script: Hole!”, without warning Levy opened a hole in the spot where Gajeel was and he fell in like a rock, fast and hard. A large “thump” could be heard, meaning that Gajeel had hit the bottom of the hole.

“Hey, Levy! Why’d you do that?! Get me outta here!!”, Gajeel shouted as he was stuck and his patience wasn’t vast enough to wait trapped in a hole.

“Oh no.”, Levy realized what she had just done and couldn’t help but feel guilty. “What should I do now?”, she thought to herself. “Should I help him get out? No. What am I thinking? I just trapped him there, if I get him out now, he would think that I didn’t mean it. Of course I actually didn’t, but he doesn’t need to know that!”, Levy argued with herself in her head as she walked back and forth in the same spot.

“Hey!”, Levy snapped out of her trance as she heard Gajeel’s voice. “What the hell are you doing?! Get me outta here! Now!”, Gajeel was getting impatient already. Levy didn’t know what to do now, did she help him or just leave him there until someone else helps him?

“Oooo, what should I do? Who would help Gajeel if I leave him there? He wasn’t very liked in the guild, not at all. He would surely be ignored even if someone from the guild heard him. Before Levy could decide what to do, she heard a strange noise coming from the hole. She took a peek and gasped at the sight, it was Gajeel jumping from one wall from the hole to the other, almost at the top. Levy shrieked and started to run to get away, but it was too late. Gajeel had already gotten out of the hole and jumped right in front of her, making her stop in her tracks.

“Okay, now then….will you tell me why you’ve been avoiding and trapping me in holes?”, Gajeel asked with a menacing, plus teasing look on his face.

“Eh?…”, Levy couldn’t form any words and could feel her body trembling, but this time, she had to talk.

“Well? What do you have to say for yourself?”, Gajeel continued. Levy could feel herself heating up again at the thought of telling him that she did all that just to avoid telling him that she had feelings for him.

“I….uh….”, Levy was trying to think of an excuse to fool Gajeel, as he wasn’t the brightest person. She suddenly started to laugh, awkwardly, but still laughing. Gajeel eyed her curiously, wondering why she was laughing all of a sudden.

“What’s so funny, pipsqueak?”, Gajeel asked with a confused look on his face.

“Well first of all, I can’t believe you fell in the hole! Haha! Classic!”, Levy continued to laugh. “That’s payback for almost kissing me you idiot!”

“Wait…what?”, Gajeel still just plainly looked confused and lost.

“Don’t you get it? I lured you to me so I could trap you! I was getting back at you for almost kissing me. Get it, Ironhead?”, Levy continued to lie without thinking of the consequences, feeling pressured. Gajeel was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to react at Levy’s sudden confession. “Do you really think that I’d let you take advantage of me? I know your type.”

“You really think that that’s why I did it?”, Gajeel said with a surprised look. “I can’t believe you! Even after we had such a good time before…”

”I also had a good time, Gajeel, but you took it the wrong way. I don’t like you in that way, and I never will, ok?”, Levy continued to lie even though she knew that in reality, Gajeel was always on her mind. She knew that she liked him, but she couldn’t stop now. It was too late.

“Hmph! It seems like YOU took it the wrong way! Like I would have feelings for a smart-ass shrimp like you!”, Gajeel was loosing his patience. That was like bullet to the heart for Levy, she knew she deserved it, but it still hurt. Levy stood there, completely unable to muster any words until she realized that she couldn’t give him any reason to think that she wasn’t being honest.

“Same here, iron-for-brains!”, Levy barked back, surprising herself as she could barely face him. “Let’s not train together anymore, ok?”

“Fine with me”, Gajeel replied with an annoyed tone.

“Fine.”, Levy faced her back to him.

“Fine”., Gajeel did the same.

They both walked in the opposite direction of each other and neither looked back, even though they both felt the same way.

A Series of GaLe EventsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora