Unwanted Counselors!

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~Gajeel P.O.V.~

“What was that shrimp  thinking?! What’s her problem?! I can’t believe her!”

   I was muttering to myself while drinking in the guild. I was so angry! At myself and Levy! I still can’t believe that she was that kind of person. I thought she was different, but no, she’s exactly like everybody else. She judged me without thinking twice! That little runt! I wanted to drink all day and pass out! I don’t know why, I just wanted to.. *thump*, I slammed my fist against the table, splitting it in half and caught everybody’s attention. I could see the surprised look in everyone’s faces, but I didn’t care. I was angry and I didn’t care about anything! I decided to sit again, but it had to be somewhere else since I destroyed the table so I sat in one of the barstools. I could see that even Mirajane looked surprised, but it was more of a surprised and a bit of anger face.

“You’d better not break that too, Gajeel”, Mirajane said with a smile while walking away, but one could feel her anger…”

“Oh shut it.”

“What was that?”



At that moment Juvia sat next to me.

"What's wrong, Gajeel-kun?"

"None of your business, rain woman!"

"Juvia has know you for some time and Juvia knows you don't mean that."

"Fine. If you insist...I'm mad at that shrimp who thinks she's so smart and talented."

"You mean Levy-chan?"

"Yeah...that little know-it-all elf. She purposely burned me and also tried to freaking bury me alive!"

"Your exagerating, aren't you? Plus, did you not do something to her first?"

I tried thinking about what I could've possibly done to make her get back at me and all I could think of is beating her while we were training, but there's no way that's it... Then again...she did say something about kissing her in an angry way...

"Could she be mad because I almost kissed her?"

"You did WHAT?!" Juvia was completely red and with her hands to her mouth.

"Would you keep your damn voice down?! What's the big deal anyway? It's just a kiss."

"Just a kiss?! Juvia knows that to be kissed by someone you love would give you extreme happinness and everything turns pink and full of rainbows and-"


"Eeek! I'm sorry...I was thinking about somebody..."

"And I have NOO idea who it was."


"Anyway...why did you mention love?"

"Well...you two are in love, aren't you?"

"Hell no! I just felt like kissing her is all."


"What?..." I eyed her menacingly.

"Say what you want, but at least talk to her. I think she wasn't honest with you."

"I do what I want."

"Fine then. Don't say I didn't tell you so."

Who does she think she is?! I do what I want and when I want to!...Then again...she wasn't acting like her usual self...but it doesn't matter...

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