Violets are Rejects

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I know it's short, but I had to give you something! It is unedited so please ignore any atrocities in grammar.

Levy’s P.O.V.

“If I don’t die, I will kill him for this.” My voice wavered as I fell into certain death, or at least a serious injury. The air continuously slammed my face as the ground got closer. I have to think fast. There were so many trees around and I just had to be falling towards a bunch of rocks in a rivulet. I’d rather not break my bones with any of those. Trees have branches that can break my fall, rocks have…well rock. The choice was clear. They were getting closer by the second and my calmness was now gone.  Quickly, I thought of way I could make this work when I suddenly remembered Wendy.  That may be just it. The moment I passed the pine tree I knew it was now or never.

“Solid Script: Air!” I made the words spin towards the rock I was plummeting to. They hit the rock and seemed to have vanished, but that meant it was doing it's job. The rocks were 8 feet below when I closed my eyes and prayed for it to work. Seconds went by eternally until it did. I opened my eyes the moment I felt my body twirl, almost hovering, on the top of the rocks, my face inches from them.

“It worked.” I exhaled with relief. I didn't know if I would be able to create a wind vortex that could cusion my fall. It was all good and dandy until my body spun faster and the wind that saved me tossed me aside, literally. It sprung me from the rocks towards the edge of the stream, where the forest started. I yelped in pain as I landed on a rose bush. It might sound funny, but I assure you it wasn’t.

“Ooouch.” I whined as I tried to move. I wondered if the rocks were the better option now. At least they didn’t have thorns stabbing my arms, back, and legs. I started to get up when I felt a yank at my head. My hair was tangled with the bush, causing an instant sense of pain. I grunted and unraveled it.

“That packed a punch.” I breathed heavily as I tried to balance myself on the ground. I heard a loud screech and tried to pinpoint its location. It seemed to come from various places, leaving me with not much to work with. I stiffened when I tried to walk, every part of my body stung. The screeches seemed to be coming together, like they were going in the same direction.

“Gajeel.” I said. Gajeel was in those things’ grasp…I did nothing to help him. I wanted to walk further near the noise, but I could barely move without wincing in pain. They screeching kept getting fainter by the minute.

“You won’t get away with this!” I screamed possibly in vain, but if there was the slightest chance that Gajeel heard me, it’d be worth it. What isn’t worth my time is to stand around here moping. I have to get help, and fast. It’s the only way we’ll get to Gajeel before it’s too late.

If Erza can keep fighting even her foot was crushed by debris, I can walk to the guild even when all those thorns stabbed so much of my body. I look at my tattered orange dress and think back.

“It’s been worse before.” I tell myself. It’s good thing I’m not afraid of blood because that’s what’s coming out of my injuries, although not a lot. I slowly walk to where I thought Magnolia was. I’m not exactly sure I know where I am, but I think I can manage.

“Levy!” Jet and Droy screamed in unison when I tottered into the guild.  My hair was a mess, my dress was stained with blood spot here and there, and I lost a sandal. Nevertheless, I was okay. It wasn’t anything serious. They worry too much, but that’s why I love them.

“Boys, I’m fine.” I assured as they approached me. Jet appeared to be going slow just for Droy’s sake, and Droy was holding a plate with loads of food on it. Please don’t drop it on me, please don’t drop it on me.

“But you’re bleeding!” Droy pointed out. “Would you like some of my chicken? It’ll make you feel better.” He almost shoved his bitten chicken in my mouth. I gratefully declined and proceeded towards Mirajane, who was serving Wendy and Carla some food.

“Levy-san, what happened to you?” Wendy asked muffled since her hand was covering her mouth.

“I’ll go into detail later.” I started. “Gajeel’s been kidnapped!” I scream. Wendy and Mirajane gasped, but the rest of the guild stayed quiet. My eyes roamed the room and most people gave me either menacing glares or had a smile on their face. Even Jet and Droy seemed to hesitate on what to feel about it. Lucy must be at her apartment, and her other teammates aren’t here as it seems.

“Huh?” I whispered to myself. It seems no one else even thinks of worrying. I know he destroyed our but it was in the past. If I of all people was able to forgive him, why can’t they? I wanted to scream at them, demanding their support as a guild, but it’d be no use.

“Levy…” Mirajane started, but I cut her off.

“Where’s our master?” I asked.

“He’s meeting with the other guild masters.” Mirajane replied. A frown came upon my face and all I could do was muster my courage.

“Mira, please tell him this: “Levy’s gone to save the reject.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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