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Inej and Kaz go out for tea in the barrel and unexpectedly take home a new member of the dregs.

  The leaves around them scattered as an autumn wind took them in its draft.  Kaz Brekker pulled his coat tighter around him.

  Curse the saints for this chilly weather.

 Kaz looked to his left where Inej was walking silently next to him.  Her usual purple tunic and black, silk, winter cape wrapped around her bony shoulders.  The capes hood over her head.  The yellow-orange afternoon sun and color-changing leaves really went well with her bronze skin.

  "Ah look, there it is."  Inej lifted her slim arm and pointed to a small building crammed between two other ones.

  The bakery looked like it didn't belong.  Such a lively and quiet building didn't seem to fit in the barrel.  It stuck out against the run-down gray and brownish buildings next to it.

  Kaz followed his Wraith inside and they sat down at a table in the corner near a window.  Inej shrugged off her cape and draped it on the back of her chair.  Kaz thought about it for a second before taking off his coat and setting it neatly on the back of his own chair.

  "This place seems nice on the inside,"  Inej stated, hands folded over each other under her chin.  Her deep brown eyes scanning their surroundings.  

  Inej had spotted this place during her usual jog over the roofs a few days back and made plans to come back and have tea with Kaz.  

  Kaz hummed in agreement.  A  tall waiter approached their table with a smile.

"Hello, thank you for coming.  My name is Lamell."  He introduced.  

 Kaz studied him.  His skin was a dark Zemeni brown.  His eyes were a bright green and his dreads were tied back and away from his face.  He wasn't crazily built but he looked like he could hold his ground in a fight.

  Inej saw the way Kaz eyed Lamell up and down.  She knew he was looking for new recruits for the Dregs.

  "Are you two ready to order?"  

Inej smiled and nodded.  "Just a cup of tea, extra sugar please."  Lamell nodded and scribbled something down on a notepad.

 "Same thing, no sugar."  Kaz rasped.  

  Their waiter finished writing away on his pad and smile up at them.

"That'll be out shortly."  He nodded at them politely and left to the kitchen.

  Inej chuckled.  "He reminds me of Jesper."

"Jesper would never be so polite."  Kaz retorted.  

Inej laughed again.  Brekker couldn't help but strain his ears at the sound, hoping to savor it.

  "That's true but you can tell they have the same personality."  Inej reasoned.  "His eyes are bright.  Like Jespers.  You can tell he's a lively one."

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