Bakugo Katsuki (Dynamite)

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Bakugo:"Hey dumbass come on and eat, you haven't eaten all d-"

Y/n(you) :"kats, do you think I'm fat or too skinny? "

Bakugo: "no why would I...what kind of dumb question is that?!"

Y/n (you) :"cause I feel like that...sometimes I feel like I'm too skinny, other times I feel like I'm too you think I'm either of them? "

You looked at him with tears in your eyes

Bakugo: "no, I don't think that...i know your mind told you that- i can't believe I'm gonna be saying this... But you're not fat or skinny...i think, no. I know you're perfect the way you are y/n.. Don't let anyone not even you stupid mind tell you anything different."

Y/n (you) :"I- thank you so much kats..."

Bakugo :"now don't tell anyone that I said those things..i don't want them thinking I'm some softy, *realizes* what is that? Are those cuts?"

Y/n (you) :"what are? "

Bakugo :"on your arms and your that I think about it they looked like sh scars"

Y/n (you) " :"I feel comfortable with telling you about yes they please don't tell anyone!"

Bakugo :"I'm not gonna tell anyone you nerd, why'd you do it, I mean there's reasons to everything so, why'd you cut? "

Y/n (you) :"I don't just felt like it was the right thing to do...i mean I'm not comfortable in my body, I don't feel like this body was meant for me, so I just kind of wanted to do some things I guess..."

Bakugo: "you shouldn't feel like that, I know it's hard to not think like that but everything happens for a reason, you are who you are for a reason, your body is your own and is the way it is, size and form for a reason. Harming it doesn't do anything but break your body down and make you feel pain and be in way more pain then you already were... I also know that it's hard to stop when you've gotten so addicted to it..please try to stop for me? If not for me for you friends? For your family? And your teacher(s)?"

Y/n (you):"..I'll try, thank you for talking to me and helping me out with an issue, it means a lot to me kats!"

Bakugo:"it's no problem I guess, I swear if you tell anyone about this!"

Y/n (you): "I'm not gonna tell anyone about it..."

(430 words)

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