Chapter 6

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Skye had to think of a plan to get rid of Violet otherwise it would be too late but she didn't know how to. So she had to think..

Violet's POV:

''First day of school! I can't wait. Hopefully everyone will be nice to me and I will make a lot of friends!'' Violet said to herself when she woke that morning. She wore a purple dress and black leggings with black trainers. She brushed hair and made them neat and tidy and put her dark purple and light purple hair behind her ears. Soon she was ready to leave.

When Violet went to her form class. She felt excited instead of nervous. She never ever felt nervous in her whole life. She saw lots of students looking at her in awe this made Violet's eyes all big and sparkly in delight. 

''My name is Violet Iris!'' She said, happily. As she looked around the class, her eyes met at a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. She looked pretty but not her expression. Her face looked disgusted as if she was upset or angry She wasn't sure. When the teacher told her to grab a chair, everybody insisted for her to sit next to them except that girl and the other girls next to her on each side: left and right. Certainly her friends. So she took the nearest table and chair and sat there. The other students were disappointed as Violet didn't sit next to them. 

''Your school uniform will come tomorrow, Violet. So only for today you can wear non-school uniform.''

Soon it was break time and Violet sat by herself in the corner where she liked being alone from others for a little while and she ate her cheese and chicken with salad sandwich and drank a bottle of water. Until her time being alone was distracted...

''Hey you!'' A girl called out.

Violet looked at her direction. It was the girl with the blue eyes in her class. She was being followed by her friends behind her. This showed that the girl was the leader out of her friends. Violet looked up and down at her and the girl wasn't wearing a school uniform. In fact she wore a blue, purple-ish dress which reached just above her belly button, a white skinny jeans and perfect, white trainers. Maybe she was new as well and didn't have a school uniform yet. She thought. 

''Oh hi! Nice to meet you!'' Violet said standing up.

''Uh yeah whatever.'' She said in a disgusted voice. ''Listen. I saw you back there in class and the way everybody treated you. All kind and all. I have been here from the start and i'm the most popular girl here and clearly beautiful. And no one should respect you the same way they respect me!'' When saying that, the girl took Violet's water and drained her with it. Some people were gasping but most of the others were laughing. Violet ran away to the girl's room and she could hear from there the girl's voice shouting that's what you get! She was so busy drying herself that she didn't know how late she was in her next class. So she hurried and went to English (her next lesson). She was right on time when her name was called out in the register.

''Violet Iris!'' The teacher called out.

''Here miss!'' Violet replied when she came in through the door.

''You are late. What took you so long?'' 

''I um... got lost finding the class.'' She lied but made it look it was real.

The teacher told her to sit down and when she looked around, the only table left was next to the girl who splashed water on her.

As soon as she sat down, the girl said, ''Violet Iris huh? Are your parents scientists or something that their surnames are part of the body or what?'' The girl said, laughing.

''Nah! You're just jealous that i have beautiful eyes and you don't! LOL!''

The girl was shocked everybody started laughing that she got done. The teacher quieted everybody and continued t take the register.

''Skye Blue.'' The teacher called out. 

''Here.'' Said the girl that was sitting next to Violet.

Oh, so your name is Skye Blue? Let's not make you a bully, shall we? But first I have to avoid her messing with me. Violet thought....

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