Chapter 10

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School started next day Friday morning. Everybody's favorite week because it is the last day of school and then.. Hello Weekend!!

Violet went to school first. When she reached outside of the building, she saw Skye's friends outside. It was cold that time and raining a little bit and she saw the friends' facial expression was upset and gloomy a little bit. So, Violet went up to them and when they saw her, they smiled. At her.

''Hi guys. What are you doing here its so called cold and raining out here?'' Violet asked.

The girls stopped smiling and sighed. Then they explained why they always wait here and the sacrifices they make everyday. Violet could tell that they hated doing that and sacrificing their lessons just to wait for Skye! Violet told them that and they were disappointed at Skye.

''You know what you should do? Never wait for Skye ever again especially a such bad weathers like this! How does she treat you?'' Violet asked, angrily.

The girls were shocked and one of them replied saying, ''She always forces us to wait for her every time as you already know and whenever we get in trouble for being because Skye never comes on time. Always late she is but anyways when we get in trouble she doesn't stand up for us because it is her fault and she doesn't regret tat instead she always laughs!'' The girl said furiously. ''A lot of the time I just don't want to be friends with her she is such a bully and my friends agrees the same; but we are forced to be Skye's friends. ''

'' Then let's be friends and don't hang out with Skye.''

''But she is going to be furious and is going to ruin our lives during school!'' Another girl desperately said.

'' Don't worry I have a plan and it's a secret. What I am going to do is this....''

Violet told the group her plan and they liked and went along with it but they were still afraid of Skye and what she is going to do to them. Violet changed the plan a little bit and it was a lesson for Skye that she had to learn.

Then, it was time for class and everybody all headed to lesson.

During the class someone opened the door rudely and it was....

'' Skye Blue! Who do you think you are coming in to this room like this and disrupting the lesson!? The teacher shouted and the the students jumped.

''Ugh whatever.'' Skye scoffed and rolling her eyes and as soon as she went to her table a surprise was there. 

Violet sitting on Skye's desk with Skye's friends on the left and the right side. Violet gave her smirk-y look. 

''Who gave you permission to sit in my place?! Get up and sit somewhere else where all the peasants are!'' Skye shouted and stamping her leg.

Violet stood up and went to her seat. As soon as Skye was going to sit down, there was something wet all over her butt. Skye gasped and stood up. ''Oops guess I didn't close my water bottle properly.'' Violet said sarcastically and slyly. Everybody started laughing and even more harder were Skye's friends. Skye was furious and confused she didn't know why her friends were laughing.

At the end of class, Skye quickly rushed to the toilet and Violet stood up and went to her friends and all high-fived each other.  They all went outside together and Skye saw violet and her friends walking together. She was confused and angry so Skye approached them and they were all laughing and having fun together and that is what made Skye even more angrier.

''Why are you hanging out with Violet? You guys are my friends and are supposed to be with me all the time.'' She said quietly but there was an angry tone in her voice. But one of her friends came forward and said. ''How do you expect us to be your friends when you have been treating us poorly and and forcing us to wait for you everyday at school, then make us late and then get us into trouble when it's entirely your fault! You are continuously bullying others and others think we are bad just like you but NO we are nice, nice like Violet and I am glad to even get a time to hang out with her and all of us agrees! Isn't that right, ladies?'' The girls agreed and Violet was proud of her to stand up for herself and the others.

Skye looked angry, sad and upset. Her face was squished up and she ran in full speed away from them. The girls were shocked and a bit of regret filled their hearts. 


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