Chapter 11

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When it was last period, Skye wasn't in class that time. The girls including Violet all looked at each other, worried. They knew what they had done was too far but it was too late.

On Monday, Violet and Skye's ex-friends all came together to talk about that incident on Friday. They thought that Skye was going to unleash some plan on them for being rude to her but they thought that she deserved it.

Before first period, Skye came and she looked different and dirty as if she hadn't even cleaned herself up: her hair was all messed up, her makeup was all over her face and she wore the same clothes on Friday. Everybody stared at her and started whispering. At the end of the hall was Violet and her new friends. Skye approached them and they were all shocked. Their eyes were glaring at Skye's face and silence grew for a few moments.Until that silence broke with Violet saying, '' OMG! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!'' Skye chuckled slightly and her eyes were all filled with tears until it came rolling down on her cheeks. 

''I am incredibly sorry for what I have done t-to you! I nev-er knew what I done was-was wrong. I just to be pop-ular but I guess that it...f-f-failed!!'' She started sobbing really really hard. The girls were all in pity. Then Violet pushed her slightly. Skye stopped crying and was staring at her, slightly open-mouthed. 

''We all forgive you and you do deserve that and we are sorry for saying these things to last Friday and what we said was true.'' Violet hugged her and so the others did the same.

'' Now lets give you a makeover. You look hideous.'' She said gently and Skye chuckling.

So they all went to the ladies room and Skye started cleaning her wet and smudgy face, they all did hr makeup and her hair but there was one thing missing--

''Where is your uniform? You need to wear it!'' One of the girls said. 

''Yeah you are right, Sophia. Wait I think I know where it is.'' Skye looked inside her bag and there was her uniform all dirty and creased. She took it out and showed it to the others.

''We need to go to the office to get that cleaned up and ironed.'' Gagged Violet. 

They went to the office and got it all cleaned up and when Skye wore it, it fitted perfectly and thy she was all ready. She looked at the mirror. She had never realized how nice she looked with her uniform on. Well..because..she had never worn it before.

''YOU LOOK AMAZING!'' All the girls said. Sky was happy and proud.

Then they started being friends and hanging out with each other and of course Sky learnt her lesson and she was never rude and and a bully!

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