Chapter Eight

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3rd person POV

"Your table is right there we already got everything you needed" fatty pointed to the table that was close to there but was far away enough where they couldn't hear there conversation unless they were really trying to hear

"Thanks" gulf said and mew followed him as they went to there table and sat

Definitely talking with mew over text made gulf feel better than seeing each other face to face because now gulf was very nervous he doesn't know what to do

"Are you okay" mew asked concerned when seeing gulf was getting nervous and scared

"Y-yes I'm fine just nervous" he sighed and mew smiled

"Well I am also nervous even though I don't show it on the inside I'm freaking out" mew said making gulf laugh a little

Hearing that actually made gulf a little less nervous

"Oh wait here I need to get something from my car" mew set his phone down on the table with wide eyes before he ran out leaving the shocked gulf

A few minutes later Mew came running back in

"Sorry" he said as he sat down before holding out some sunflowers in front of gulf and a bag

"Sorry" he said as he sat down before holding out some sunflowers in front of gulf and a bag

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"T-thank you" gulf said trying to control his cherry red face

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"T-thank you" gulf said trying to control his cherry red face

"Please don't open your gift here I will be really embarrassed" Mew suddenly said and gulf smiled before setting the sunflowers down and opening the bag peaking making mew cover his face

"Awww don't worry I won't open it here" gulf laughed making mew chuckle as well

"M-m-m-mewgulf" the waitress said as she stood there staring at them

"Hey" they both shouted when she passed out making both reach for her each grabbing onto one of her arms before they sat her in a chair calling someone

"Well get someone with you right away" the owner said and mew and gulf looked at each other after he ran away before both starting laughing

2 hours later

"1....2.....3" *snap*

"Good now I can post" mew smiled making gulf coo at him as mew posted the photo

"Good now I can post" mew smiled making gulf coo at him as mew posted the photo

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Liked by Gulfkanawut, Mewgulf_,Gulfiepoo, and 4,124,689,992 others

Mewsuppasit finally met him 🥰

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1 hour later

"Yes post daily"

"Just myself" gulf asked and mew nodded his head humming in response

"Gulf we'll meet you at home" yu Ming said as they all got in the van making gulf wave at them

"Come on" mew opened the passenger door for gulf making gulf smile before thanking him as he got in

Once mew got in he asked for gulfs address before he started driving gulf to his destination

45 minutes later

Mew had opened gulfs door before helping the sleeping boy out of his seatbelt

He then picked up gulf bridal style while grabbing the flowers and gift bag then he started walking towards the door where he used his hand that was under gulfs knees to knock on the door

After a minute someone had came to the door

"Oh come on I'll show you to his room" smiling let mew in

Mew followed her through the building occasionally looking around it was much more than what people had told him about

"Here it is" smiling opened gulfs room door making mew thank her before he walked in seeing a lot of posters of himself

Surprisingly he wasn't freaked out but more amused when seeing his face in gulfs room

Mew had went towards gulfs bed laying gulf down before he helped him take off his shoes and jacket then making sure he was tucked into the blanket and setting the flower and gift bag on his desk

Digging inside his pocket he pulled out a pen and used on of gulfs sticky notes from on his desk to write a small note before he went out closing the door behind him seeing everyone was there making him flinch

"So your the famous suppasit" k said making mew gulp nervously seeing all of there intense stares

"You passed the first test bringing him home at the right time and tucking him in the next one will be harder sir.... You have a nice night now" Lu Yue smiled patting mews back as they walked him to the exit

"Drive safe now" Lao Mao said as they shut the door making mew stared at the door for a second before he started walking to his car

Getting inside he pulled out his phone and followed gulfs new account

Mewsuppasit followed Gulfkanawut 5 seconds ago

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