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3rd person POV

6 months later

"What do you want" Jake asked as he held the phone close to his face while mew held the other staring at Jake with a smirk

"I gotta say you look good in orange" mew chuckled at himself while Jake glared at him

"Why are you doing here" Jake asked a little annoyed

"Well the feelings the same I don't wanna see you either but someone else wants no needs to I'm just here as a support system" mew suddenly spoke in a cold voice making Jake roll his eyes as mew stoop up and moved to the side and now sat before him fatty who lifted the phone with a straight face and while Jake waited for him to speak lifting the phone towards his ear and after a few minutes of staring at each other before fatty started laughing immediately tears streamed down his eyes as he laughed while Jake just stared at him before also chuckling about while looking down

"I guess you wanted to do that since forever Huh" Jake mumbled to himself with a sad smile while fatty continued to laugh wiping his tears he stopped after a few minutes maybe 5

"You know I did I really wanted to do that I think for my last few birthdays I had wished for this day.... You know even though it wasn't me you assaulted seeing my best friend getting assaulted was just like it was me so I really do hope you suffer.... And one thing, I truly hope you do drop the soap" he winked making mew choke in a laugh clearing his throat to cover it up

Fatty stood up going beside mew and finally gulf showed up in front of Jake making him smile widely and stand on up touching the glass wall between

"Sit" gulf said as he grabbed the phone making Jake immediately sit still smiling as he pushed the phone to his ear

"Gulf I missed you so much being in here is torture I can't see you at all or or I can't even breathe without people calling me rapist and obsessed but I'm not I just love you a lot you know that right" Jake asked and gulf just stayed quiet before he spoke

"I heard there sending you to a psychiatrist and you're getting out for it" gulf said a little disappointed at his own words

"Yes and also because good behavior you know then I can finally see you agai-"

"Jake" gulf cut him off making Jake stop talking and look at gulf muttering a small yes "you know I have no doubt that you have feelings for me... but what your feeling isn't what I'm feeling and you can not try and make me.... We were best friend for almost half of our life Jake but now I don't even wanna see your face, there was a time in my life when I was sad *chuckles* all because My mew had a girlfriend and in that time you helped me or I thought you were instead you took the most important thing away from me then left as if nothing had happened and for that I really really really hate you and that's not like me at all.... You push me Jake I respect you for that and honesty I want to thank you for coming back because now I realize that your just part of my past that I was holding onto like a treasure from my childhood..... see look at this my hand it stopped working soon after the finals although it's getting better I have therapy and that's all because of you, you think you love me Jake and all you did was to show me that but to me that was different you raped me broke my hand you scared me and made me want to not even be here anymore what you did Jake wasn't love to me no it was the absolute opposite......... it was torture"

2 months later

It's been 1 month and 2 weeks since Jake was released from prison no sign of him at all

Some people said that after gulfs meeting with him he wasn't the same anymore like gulf words hit him way to hard

Some people often see him go to his daily meetings but other than that he's become a complete homebody now

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