Chapter Thirteen

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3rd person POV

LaoMao_K ig story

Mews friends just showed us this video mew shared with them two days ago 🥺

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Mews friends just showed us this video mew shared with them two days ago 🥺

Getting on the train both mew and gulf found a spot to stand up since there were no more seats available

"Hold this" mew held gulfs hand on the bar letting gulf hold himself steady while he held the one to gulfs side standing beside gulf

"Wow so many people" gulf looked through the window seeing all the people on the train

"Yes way to many" mew eyes the man in the black hoodie who was staring directly at gulfs ass

"Mew look" gulf gasped looking outside seeing all the cars and lights

"Pretty right" mew said still looking at the man and occasionally peaking over at gulf but soon stopped when he saw the man stand up walking towards him and gulf

Stopping a few feet away the man looked up at mew and smirked as he moved even more closer to gulf right before he could stand beside gulf and touch his arm mew moved behind gulf both arms caging gulf in between him

No one could even see gulfs figure anymore mew completely over towered him

The mans original plan was to use the bus movement as an excuse but instead of falling into gulf he fell into mew

The man bumped into mews arm making him glare as mew apologized harshly

"Sorry you should have stayed in you seat" mew smiled forcefully as gulf looked up at them

"It's you" gulf said in an angry voice while glaring at the man who was smiling

"Did you miss me"

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