Prologue, Part 3: Revenge

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"Life is not always about good and bad or right and wrong. Sometimes it's all about two wrongs and all you can do is pick the lesser evil. And not choosing anything? Well, that would be the evilest choice of all." – Yulia

While in the bed, Yulia couldn't help but stare and take in the scenery of Michael's bare back where he covered most of it with a tattoo of a black panther.

As he was reading the physical letter, a rare object in the modern digital world, his expression grew from emotionless to surprised and then enraged.

"What seems to be the matter?" Asked Yulia in Japanese. It didn't take long before she became fluent in the language, even though she still struggled with writing a bit. "You rarely ever show concern." He answered. "You rarely ever show emotions." She pointed out.

"Nothing to be concerned about. Just another job." Said Michael without lifting his head. Yulia got up to her elbows while still on the bed. "When are we leaving?" She said. "We are not. I am. This one I need to do on my own."

Yulia stared at him with beastly, sapphire eyes while trying to understand why he'd say such a thing. Lieutenants are rarely the ones that have to follow precise orders. After all, they are the ones giving them.

"I'm not letting you go through this on your own." She claimed while getting dressed in her usual monochrome attire. 

"You know it may come down to killing. You hate it more than anything. Just stay." "But I hate seeing you suffer even more than that. Life is not always about good and bad, right or wrong, love and hate. Sometimes you can only choose between two evils. And not choosing anything? Well, that would be the evilest choice of all. Don't make me do that." Answered Yulia while still tying the knot at the back of her top.

"Do as you wish. Just know that this is not going to be pretty." Said Michael with a grim expression. "Nothing ever is in this line of work." She answered – seemingly without being stressed about the situation.

The two of them headed over to the Suzuki headquarters – Michael's family head office.

Michael headed to the second floor of the building, entered one of the main offices, and bluntly stated, "I need a gun. Where is our guy?"

The man looked at him straight in the eye, and answered with a calm yet pronounced voice, "Ichiro-sama, you do understand that in this day and age, not even the mightiest of Yakuza get away with such things?"

Michael stepped closer, placed his hands on the office, lowered the tone of his voice, and asked again, slower than before, "Where is our guy?"

Almost shaking, the man at the desk gave him a location while worryingly keeping eye contact and the Lieutenant didn't waste another second sitting there.

From the very beginning of the day, Yulia felt that something was off. Each passing second only increased her suspicions. 

Michael usually always was the kind of guy who barely ever showed any emotions. But, on that day, you could tell he was unusually irritated. You could tell he was in a hurry to get something done, which was no surprise, seeing how he could've finally found the man he wanted to get revenge on after years on the hunt. 

After another short drive, they found the underground arms dealer at a hidden warehouse under a grocery shop. They exchanged some kind of password, and the dealer shortly handed over a small, loaded pistol to Michael.

"So, who is our target?" Asked Yulia as they were heading out. "My target." Corrected Michael.

"Don't you think you should at least let me know what to expect?" "He is private protection for a theatre and wears a red suit. I go in, I find him, I shoot, we leave. Simple as that. Any more questions?" "You sure seem grumpier than usual." Observed Yulia. "That was not a question." 

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