Chapter 1: Echoes of the Dead

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"Some wanted to use me. Some wanted to get used by me. I feel like my chest is an ocean full of sorrow, and one last drop is all it takes to make it overflow."– Michael Fuse

"I was the one who gave you the information you needed. As I mentioned in the letter, when the time comes to pay your debt, I'll find you. So, here I am!" Said Reynsla.

Michael frowned for a moment. "I see. You were the one who wrote the letter and pointed out where that fucker, Yuuto was. And now I know where I can find him again. So, what do you want in return?"

"I pointed out a location? No. Not to be hubristic, but I did so much more than that. I showed you where to find someone you've been hunting for years, I saved your loved one from certain madness, brought you back to life, and explained what you are. And now you ask me what I want in return? I want your all. Follow me to the other side of the universe, help me find the murderous Nemirtiga I'm after, and I'll keep on providing both you and Lacri- Yulia, with information on how to survive and prosper."

"And if I don't?" Asked Michael. "And if you don't, you'll never learn how to use your powers, then you'll grow old, you'll get stuck on an endless death-loop with no idea who you are, where you came from; not to mention that your home planet is very likely to turn you into a guinea pig. And that's the best-case scenario. Believe me. You don't want to know about the worst. If that sounds like a decent future to you, be my guest. Otherwise, you've no option but to help me." Bluntly answered Reynsla.

"Fuck" Spoke Michael under his breath and suddenly growled in pain when he heard the same voice shouting in his head.

"Ah, I see you've already got to meet your Velionis. Judging by your lack of maturity and discipline, probably a wild one at that."

"My fucking what now?" Asked Michael with annoyance, ignoring all of the latter comments.

"Velionis. Your old self; the dead one you left behind. Unrestrained; unchained. It's you but without any of the restrictions that you'd be able to apply under normal circumstances. Many call it the echoes of the dead." Answered Reynsla calmly.

"And how the fuck do I make it go away?" Said Michael, now more irritated than before.

"You don't. What makes you think that shutting him up or ignoring him is in any way, a wise thing to do?" Reynsla spoke slowly and carefully – picking each word with the utmost attention as if one wrong phrase would introduce a lot of suffering.

Michael kept on growling in pain while grabbing his face with his hands – clearly annoyed with Reynsla's question.

"Think of it this way." Continued Reynsla. "If you cut your hand open in an accident, you probably shouldn't ignore the wound. You may get infected or bleed to death. And even if you don't, the pain will be there to remind you that something is wrong. A soul is no different. It can get hurt, as any part of your body would, and you'd do well to cater to it, rather than ignoring it."

Michael was having trouble processing Reynsla's words. Too many things happened in a very short amount of time. "Okay. So, now what?" He asked after calming himself down a little.

"Now you come with me, you help me out with locating a certain someone, and, in return, I'll teach you everything you need to know about Nemirtigas. Simple as that. Any questions thus far?" Asked Reynsla.

"Come with you, where, exactly?" Asked Yulia. Reynsla took a pause before answering. "I know this is going to be hard to imagine for someone as inexperienced as you, nevertheless believe. But, we'll have to go on a different planet, not too far away from here." 

Michael and Yulia looked at each other for a brief moment, one with dread, the other with a bit more enthusiasm; an emotion that she rarely showcased. "Well, after everything I just went through, I don't think there is anything I wouldn't believe anymore." He said. "Good. We are but getting started."

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