Chapter 2

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His black hair reflects the shabby school lights as he walks down the hallway to English. English, English, English, our class. I'm happy to be here today. A jacket of rust and ripped black jeans. His dirty converse are tied unreasonably tight onto his feet like always.

Crash! I can't help but flinch in surprise, stopping dead in my tracks. The boy I had been staring at prior is suddenly up against a locker. Before he could even put his arms up to defend himself he was on the floor clutching his face. The blood that had rushed into my ears deafened the words the bully had spoken. He laughed and walked away before spatting on the boy on the floor still holding his face.

Everyone in the hall continued about their business, why would it matter to them? The blood continued to roar in my head, it felt like it was seeping into my eyes from the way my vision turned crimson. The boy pulled his hand away from his face only to see blood covering his hand. At the sight of actual red my vision cleared and I calmed enough to make my next move. I'm trained enough for this at least. I need to help him. It's just a bloody nose, and besides this is my chance!

"Lucas!" A girl stood in front of me blocking Lucas from my view, I was just about to step forward too. "Oh my God, are you ok? I had to stay late in class for a test. I'm sorry I couldn't walk with you."

I stood frozen. This type of rage never felt before... new. My anger is typically hot, but here I just felt cold. Who is she? Red hair down to her lower back, a skanky black tank top with an open back, black ripped jean shorts. I could feel the muscles in my arm twitch in anticipation under my baby blue sweater, who IS she???

The girl looks back and gives me a glance of confusion before handing over a shy smile. Lucas has a hand up to his face still and his other arm around her waist. This looks weird, this is probably weird. I know I'm staring way too much. I'm sure my face is pink as I walk away awkwardly. Dammit. Once I'm far enough down the hallway I feel my cheeks with the hand not holding my books, they feel warm. Embarrassing.

Lucas doesn't show up to English class. I tap the desk with my pencil in notions of three to calm myself, foot tapping uncontrollably. The class I would usually be able to stay calm and collected in, watching him from the back, I now feel at unease. I can't do this shit. Last period of the day and he's supposed to be here, but he's not, he's probably with her.

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When I get home I swing my backpack off my shoulder and into the wall, hard. The thump of it hitting the ground doesn't faze me as I quicken myself up the stairs, not even bothering to take my shoes off. Crap. I forgot to check the door. Rolling my eyes I bounded back down the stairs. Walking back to the door I grabbed the handle. Pull, push, pull, push, pull. It didn't open, locked. Is it though? What if I wasn't paying attention the first time and missed it slip open or I unlocked it this time. I slam my fist against the door, this is ridiculous. I move my fist to the door frame tap tap tap breathe in tap tap tap.

The sooner I do this the sooner it's over. Pull, push, pull, push, pull, unlock and relock, pull, push, pull. Finally, back upstairs with heavy footsteps and into my room. Did you really lock the-. The glass hits the wall before I've even realized I've touched something. What was once the cup on my desk now lays shattered against the floor.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I can't help but pace the room, hands in my hair. I look to the side, my computer, perfect. Pulling my hands away from my head, blonde strands fall to the floor with feather-like grace. I sit in my seat at the oak wood desk pulling the computer directly in front of me. Tumblr stares back at me the moment my password is entered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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