✨Besties✨ (Skull and reader)

21 0 6

TW: Violence, beating, blood, abuse, held hostage, mentions of suicide or self harm (what a great way to start off my first chapter-)
Modern AU kinda but there's still visions and stuff

     You were shaking, terrified, at what situation you were in at the moment. Your mouth was taped shut and you were bound to a chair in a room where the only light source was a lightbulb that hung on the center of the ceiling. Earlier, before you were in this room, you texted your friends your location and you hoped that they noticed you were gone for quite some time now and went back to check the text. You looked around frantically for any way to get out but to your despair it was too dark to see any doors or windows, or even things that you could cut yourself out with. "Y/n, what's with the upset face?" Skull said, walking up from behind you. Your eyes immediately darted to her and watched her every move in anxiety that she would hurt you. "You're not scared of me, are you?" She leaned forward to meet your eye level. You choked out a sob as you felt her rest her hand on your shoulder, which she noticed and she frowned. Skull looked at you straight in the eyes, "Oh no... Am I really that scary? Poor thing, this situation isn't the best for you isn't it?" She had a fake look of sympathy in her red eyes. "No no no, don't start panicking. I'll make sure that you'll enjoy it here. After all, you're the only person who wanted to be my friend, I can't let you stop being my friend. You treat me too nicely and you're so kind, if you left me like all of my other friends I would cut my own head off." She laughed.

     Skull pat your shoulder and that made you flinch so hard and you hit her hand lightly on accident with your shoulder. Skull's fake gentle smile faded away and was replaced with a blank face. "Why'd you do that? I don't think that was very necessary, I was just doing a friendly gesture. I'm giving you a place to stay and company and this is how you pay me back?" She spoke with a slight hiss in her tone. Your heart skipped a beat, you would've apologized a thousand times if your mouth wasn't taped shut. Skull let out a huff, "Well I guess I can't be too mad at you, if I got upset with you then you wouldn't want to be my friend. I'll just have to remind you that nudging me is not allowed in this friendship." She walked away into the dark and you heard shuffling which only fed your fear more. What is she doing? What is she going to do to you? Are you going to die? Thoughts circled your head and before you know it she came back with a  g u n. Mf has a gun 😳.

     You let out a muffled sound of surprise when you saw the weapon in Skull's hands. "Now now, settle down. Just do as I say and you won't die. You know, if you died that would make me soooo sad so please listen." She giggled and took off the tape on your mouth. You gasped as she forced the gun into your mouth. You teared up and you could hear your heart beating like a drum, you want to escape but the ropes that were tying you to the chair wouldn't let you. Skull's finger lay softly on the trigger and she seemed to enjoy the horrified look in your eyes, maybe it gave her a sense of power. "I'm going to give you your warning for treating me badly and if you try to call for help or make any loud noises, well.. I think you know what'll happen next. A complete blood bath." She smiled sinisterly and raised her hand slightly. Skull punched you right in the gut, making you wheeze, but you immediately cut yourself off so you wouldn't go boom. She then summoned a boiling hot card and sliced your arm deeply with it. You wanted to scream but you know you couldn't. You just had to sit there and endure the pain and agony, tears streaming out of your eyes. This lasted for about 20 more seconds and she took the gun out of your mouth.

     You let out a small sob and you looked at all of your bruises and cuts. "Hey, y/n, guess what." Skull whispered to you, pointing at the gun. "Silly me forgot to load the gun so if you managed to shout or anything it wouldn't even have killed you." She laughed cheerfully and whispered "dumb" and "stupid" to herself as she walked away to put the gun back wherever it came from. You felt nothing but despair, you could've let out a cry or 2 because the gun wasn't even deadly. Skull was in the middle of walking back to you when suddenly there was a loud knock on a door. "O?" Skull turned around and went over to the door. A few seconds later there was a loud crash as like 5 cops(?) I don't know if they have cops in genshin ajdhsh)) came darting over to you and one of them confronting Skull. A loud cry was let out of your lungs as you started to realize that help was here. Looks like the text you sent earlier was sent to the police or something.

     They untied you and there was shouting filling the air. They constantly asked you questions but you were too shocked and grateful to answer. You saw that one of them got Skull in cuffs and you were like let's gooo poggers. Everything was okay. You were saved. You're finally getting out of this mess. But then your hopes were let down. All the sunshine and rainbows faded away when suddenly a hydro card zipped past you and cut one of the cop's heads off. The cop collapsed and the others immediately went charging at Skull, only to suffer the same demise. "W..wh.." You stumbled back and looked at all of the blood and then looked at Skull, who broke out of the cuffs. "Haha..hahaha.." Skull started to walk up to you slowly, her face was distorted into a sinister smile and her pupils were tiny. "No..." You whimpered and stepped back, your back hitting a wall. "Haha.." She laughed. "Look at these fools, thinking they can sever such a strong friendship." She grinned. You clenched your fists, "G..Get away from me!" You yelled, "You're insane!"

     Skull's grin disappeared and was replaced with a frown. You continued, "You're a monster! No wonder you have no friends! You sick freak! Let me out of here!" You stepped forward once, still shaking but you wanted to show Skull that you're not scared of her. Skull let out a 'tch' sound and stopped in her tracks. "You're beginning to get boring- and mean too." "You- you..! Please, just let me out of here!!" You replied. Skull was beginning to get sick of this. "Shhhh... Calm down. I don't want to hear any more of you trying to break our friendship." She looked at you dead in the eye. Despite her tell you to shut up you still argued back, "We are never going to be friends!"
Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your back and you looked behind you to see 5 cards slowly sinking into your skin. You gasped and stood there frozen in shock. The cards then shot through you, blood splattering all over the ground and you collapsed.

"Another lost cause.... Should've kept your mouth shut."


Note: KSNDISNDJSSN I swear not all of my stories are like this. I just wrote this bc I was having skull brainrot like yes skull please kidnap me and tie me up :heart eyes: :drooling:
This was also kinda rushed hh h h🏃🏃🏃

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