Bonds (Lucille and Lucian)

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     "Lucille!" He shouted, looking around desperately for his sister. His white hair was tangled, clothes covered in blood, and skin covered in cuts and bruises. The world around was collapsing and people were screaming in agony, monsters were being born, everything was in havoc. His hands bled from lifting up every piece of rubble to find his sister. Lucille... Her name was everything he could think of right now. Please, where are you?..

     Suddenly, the sight of a white haired girl with a bonnet appeared in the corner of his eye. He whipped his head around and his heart dropped. The bloodied corpse of his sister surrounded by broken structures and burnt crops. "LUCILLE!!" He screamed and ran over to her side, stumbling. "LUCILLE!" He sobbed again as he shook her body. Lucille was still breathing but her heart rate was weakening and her breathing was too. His hands were shaking, breath hitched, and heart running. "Lucian..." She whispered, slowly taking his hand in hers and gazing into his teary eyes weakly. She smiled as tears streamed down her cheeks, "...remember what we said?" Lucian closed his eyes and enveloped Lucille in a hug. He did remember. They both promised eachother every day that they would be together, not even death could sever their bond.

     "LUCILLE, YOU CAN'T DIE!" He cried out, his grip getting tighter with despair. "I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU! YOU ALWAYS MAKE THINGS BETTER! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!" He cried into her shoulder as she simple placed a hand behind his head, letting him cry all his tears. He opened his eyes to see his sister begin to fade away. He choked out a sob and clung on tighter, shaking his head and repeating "no" over and over. "NO! YOU CAN'T GO AWAY! DON'T LET YOURSELF BE TAKEN FROM ME, PLEASE!" He screamed. "I'LL KILL WHOEVER DID THIS TO YOU! I'LL KILL EVERY BEAST, EVERY MONSTER, EVERY GOD! DON'T TAKE LUCILLE AWAY FROM ME!" He cursed at the sky as his sister faded from his arms. All of a sudden he felt a sharp pain in the side of his head and everything went dark.

"Let's be together forever, okay? Not even death will be able to separate us! Right?"

Everything was dark. He couldn't see or smell anything. Only quiet echos of memories whispered in his ears.
It was like this for a while. But not forever.
He felt... Angry. Sorrowful. He felt so angry that his sister was taken away from him.

     Suddenly, he awoke. But not in Heaven nor Hell. "I-I'm.. alive?" He whispered, looking at his arms and legs. But he was not alive. He was neither dead or alive but he was in between. "Lucian?" A voice spoke in his head. "Lucille!?" He gasped, looking around to desperately find her. She spoke again, "No, Lucian, stop looking. We're..." She hesitated for a second before continuing, "Look...look in the pond over there." Lucian did as instructed and made his way over to the pond and looked at his reflection, he was horrified at the sight. The eyes were gouged out and black liquid dripped from them and the mouth as well. There was one sharp tooth and the figure was extremely skinny like it was out of a horror story. "That's.. us.." She spoke.

     The sight of he and his sister's new body was sickening. It made him furious. It's the god's fault for all of this. "It's their fault.. If the gods never killed you then this wouldn't have ever happened. If the gods never killed me then this wouldn't have ever happened." He hissed. "Hey, calm down. We're still together so it's not that bad. Rig-" "No. This is not okay. They hurt you! They hurt YOU!! Why are you so quick to brush things off?" He lashed back at Lucille. "Lucian... Why are you yelling?" He gripped the body's hair in rage. "Did you just ask me WHY I'm yelling?! I'll tell you why, because I'm mad! I'm mad that they dare do this to us! I'm going to.." "Lucian...?" "I'm going to kill them all. I'll show them all! I want the gods' blood spilled EVERYWHERE! I'M GOING TO MAKE THEM PAY!" "Lucian!! Calm dow-" "SHUT UP! YOU KNOW NOTHING! IF YOU WEREN'T SO DELUSIONAL ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU WOULD BE FEELING THE SAME WAY!" He hissed, taking his hands and scratching himself all over in sheer rage. "I don't care if I lose my mind. If it means killing those bastards I'll go insane, batshit crazy, or kill everyone in my way. And I'm bringing you with me whether you like it or not

because not even death can separate us."

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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