another skull one bc I love her(baby skull 🤡)

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     TW: Child abuse, fear, neglection

      Rain poured down and large puddles formed on the ground. It was cold. Really, really cold. Skull was seeking shelter in a doghouse in her backyard, shivering and holding her arm close. She got kicked out of the house again. She didn't do anything wrong, she's just scary. Her emotionless expression and eyes that seem to hold the void give people an overwhelming bad gut feeling just from being around her. It wasnt fair. Her family didn't want her and she knew it, but at the same time she was so confused because she was just 10 years old. She had a deep cut on her arm she got when she tried to climb over the fence when she got kicked out, falling down and scraping her arm on the sharp corner. She was too afraid to go back inside and ask for a bandage because she was taught to never speak unless asked and never have a desire for anything. Blood trickled down her arm and her hand that was covering the gash was practically covered in blood now.

     "Oh no." She whispered as she saw lightning flash, hearing thunder boom in the distance not long after. She scooted further back into the doghouse and hugged her legs, getting blood on her leg from her bloody hand. Thunder made loud booming sounds that made Skull flinch every time, who eventually hid her face in between her knees. "It's gonna get me." She whispered again with a scared tone. "Too loud..."

     She heard a door creak open, which made her immediately lift up her head and peek out of the doghouse. "You, come in. The thunderstorm is going to go on for a while and you getting a cold is the last thing I want to take care of." Her mom called out. Skull crawled out and ran over to the door, already receiving many words like "You look filthy" and others saying "Why did you let her in?!" Smh she can never catch a break. Skull sat down on the couch and buried her face in a warm towel her dad gave her, letting out a relieved high pitched sigh. She spotted a half eaten sandwich and decided to treat herself to it, falling asleep after finishing it.


     Skull was woken up by the sound of a baby crying. Her brother was born not so long ago and he was very tiney and Skull promised herself that she would protect him. "Baby is sad." She yawned and rubbed her eyes, getting up and walking to the baby's room. She made sure her steps didn't make a sound so she wouldn't wake her parents. Skull opened the door and tiptoed to the crib. She leaned over and looked at her baby brother with a sad gaze. "Was someone mean to you?" She whispered to him, slowly reaching her arms down to pick up him up. She sat down on the rocking chair next to the crib and tried her best to comfort the crying baby. "You should be asleep." She mumbled, poking his cheek softly. Her brother laughed at this, making Skull's heart feel warm. "See? Don't be sad." A faint smile appeared on her face as she looked down at the baby.

     Suddenly, the door opened and her dad saw Skull holding the baby, sheer anger forming on his face. "Get your filthy hands off of him!" He yelled, snatching the baby out of Skull's arms. "You monster! Since when did you think you were allowed to come anywhere close to him?! Let alone come in this room!" Fury was laced in his tone, grabbing Skull's hair roughly and making her stand up and face him. Skull winced at this action and grabbed her dad's hand instinctively, making him tug at her ahoge hard as a punishment for grabbing him. "I- I heard him crying and I-" She tried to reason with her dad but it was no point because he just would keep framing her for doing something bad to the baby. Her mother then came in and gasped at the scene, running over and forcing her dad to let go. "Get out! I'll deal with this." She shouted, pointing at the doorway where her father obeyed and him and the baby disappeared into the hallway.

     Her mom turned to Skull, her hands crossed. "What do you think you were doing in here?" Poison was laced in her tone, "I thought I taught you well, am I a bad teacher?" She hissed. Skull honestly thought it was funny that her parents tried to act all intimidating when they won't even look her in the eyes and will freak out when Skull just pokes them, so Skull can easily get herself out of situations like this. "Maybe you are." She responded quietly, looking at her feet. Her mother was not happy with this response, "What did you just say?" "I said maybe you are." Skull looked up, looking at her mother directly in the eyes. "All you seem to teach me is that I'm a horrible creature from Hell and I can't ever talk to other people." Skull's expression was emotionless and her eyes looked like they were made of glass, the other side holding the deepest, darkest depths of the world. Her mom looked away, furrowing her brows. "Out." She demanded, stomping her foot. "You're sleeping outside. I don't care if you don't like it because it's cold outside or the thunder is scary. You did this to yourself."


And then skull grew up to be a hot girlboss that doesn't give a fuck the end.

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