Chapter 28: Black Tie

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Being unused to wearing heels, Hermione stumbled upon landing on the massive and ancient looking stone platform. She pulled herself together and looked up at the sprawling museum like building in front of her with giant stone columns and open air corridors. Nothing looked familiar; but the sky was an almost painful blue, puffs of white clouds with silver underbellies gliding off to the east. No matter where she was, she took a moment to breathe in the miracle of freedom: the smell of smoke and frying foods, the sound of music and construction. Still Draco was nowhere to be found. She turned and found herself confronted by a gigantic statue; a magnificent, powerful woman draped in Grecian robes with a lion at her feet, a wreath of leaves in her outstretched hand. Beyond the statue was a wide thoroughfare, not unlike the grounds of the Quidditch World Cup, but there were far fewer people coming and going from the giant tents and the park looked empty.

"Oktoberfest." She heard his voice behind her and spun around to see Draco standing with his hands in his pockets, a sly smile on his face. "It's not officially open until this weekend but there's a few last minute touches I suppose."

He was dressed impeccably in his all black suit, his dark framed glasses and shining dragon hide shoes. She smiled and ran toward him, throwing her arms around his neck.

"You look beautiful Sparrow," he whispered into her hair. "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you Draco," she said, her throat tight with tears. "Thank you so much."

He pulled back smiling and gave her a kiss on the crown of her head. She looked even more exquisite than he'd imagined when buying the outfit, picturing her looking angelic in periwinkle just like she had been so many years ago, when his stubborn house pride and bigotry had kept him from telling her just how much.

"I must say, it seems I have a particular talent for buying women's clothing," he said, "and my taste in jewelry is impeccable."

Hermione rolled her eyes but the wide, toothy smile on her face was enough to let him know that she agreed with his assessment.

"Where are we?" She asked. "Germany?"

"Munich. Oktoberfest starts officially this weekend which is why it's so busy, but I thought you would appreciate seeing one of the Wizarding World's oldest inns."

Hermione gasped, her eyes wide as she realized where exactly she was; standing outside the statue of Bavaria!

"Haus der Zauberei?" She asked, grabbing Draco by the forearms.

She'd read about the ancient German wizarding lodge while at Hogwarts. In fact, for their Wizarding History class sixth year...

"I remember you did a presentation about this place," he said, laughing at the amazement on her face. "My father knows a few of the board members. We used to come here when I was a child. Dreadful vacation back then; I was bored to death."

They stepped into the back of the statue and Draco took out his wand to tap the base of the spiral staircase and whisper a short phrase. Hermione stood back in awe as it split into two, the statue itself broadening as the steps wound out and down.

"But I'm sure we can find a way to entertain ourselves this time," he said, smiling at her over his shoulder, his eyebrows wagging suggestively.

Hermione followed him down the stairs, fighting back tears even as she laughed at his joke. It wasn't just that they were in the Haus der Zauberei, a historic magical landmark she'd wanted to visit since she was a child. It wasn't just that she was out of the mansion, breathing fresh air, seeing a different horizon. It was that Draco had promised her that she wouldn't be a prisoner in his brothel forever and she'd never dared to believe it. She'd never seen him treat any of the other girls to something so extravagant and thoughtful on their birthdays. In fact, if someone were to ask her right now if she thought Draco loved her she would swear that he did, even though he'd also promised her right from the beginning that it was the one thing he couldn't give.

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